Thursday, 28 November 2013

Day 58: Cold War begins

What was the Cold War?

Post WW2:
  • Rebuilding the European Economy
  • Creation of the United Nations (pg 198/99)
  • Superpower agendas
  • Creation of two military blocs (NATO and WARSAW PACT)
CPH: Intro (Igor Gouzenko)

Pg 190-196.  Complete questions #1-5 (p. 196)
Was the "Red Menace" real?
NORAD and North American Defence

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Day 57: End of WW2

Life is Beautiful OPINION PAPER due today.

Review of key events for Canadians after D-Day (Operation Overlord):
  • Battle of the Schedlt
  • Battle for the Rhineland
  • Liberating the Netherlands
Victory in Europe (VE Day): May 8, 1945

Nuclear Weapons: is the use of weapons of mass destruction ever justified? 
Current events: Nuclear agreement with Iran (5 members of the UN + Germany).  What does this mean for the Middle East and the world?
Answer #1,2 on Pg 151.

CPH: "Sacrifice and Secrets."  US building the Alaska Highway through Canada.  Dene (First Nations group) mining Uranium in the Northwest territories for a secret project (Atomic Bomb).  Side-effects of uranium exposure was withheld and many of those people exposed later died.

"The Price of Victory"  Spring 1945.  Liberation of concentration camps.  Atomic bombs on Japan. 

Read page 153-159.  Add details to the review MIND MAP

WW2 TEST on WED, DEC 4th

Day 56: Life is Beautiful

PEP Rally today.

Finishing Life is Beautiful.

Life is Beautiful OPINION PAPER is due tomorrow.
  • Meaning /12 marks
  • Form (introduction, body, conclusion) /4 marks
  • Conventions (spelling, sentence structure and punctuation, usage) /4 marks

Day 55: Life is Beautiful

A look at this outstanding, Academy award winning, movie about a man who believed in living life, at all costs, during his time in a Nazi concentration camp.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Day 54: Debate and D-Day invasion

Cross-examination debate format: Should Japanese Canadians have been sent to internment camps?

June 6, 1944: D-Day invasion on the beaches of Normandy.
USA lands on Utah and Omaha.
British land on Gold and Sword.
Canada's role is to land and conquer Juno beach.

Watched video clip regarding the attacks on the beach.

Read Battle of the Scheldt, Battle of the Rhineland, Liberating the Netherlands, and Lasting Gratitude (p. 147/148)

Handout: for movie assignment next week:  Life is Beautiful

Day 53: Practice debate and Canadian involvement in the war

Practice session for our debate tomorrow.  Students did very well.

Dieppe: Success or failure?
Italian Campaign: Sicily and the capture of Ortona
Holocaust: what was the "final solution" and what happened at the concentration camps.

CPH: Dieppe

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Day 52: Battles in the Atlantic and Pacific. Japanese Internment

Review: Operation Barbarossa.  Hitler's mistake in breaking the non-aggression pact?

Canada's contribution to the war and air in the Battle of the Atlantic.
A look at women's roles.

CPH: "A Miserable, Rotten, Hopeless Life" (U-boats, Canadian Navy and Battle of the Atlantic

Japanese internment DEBATE.
Begin preparation today by reading case study "Racism and Japanese Canadians" (pg. 157).
Students also need to read and analyze primary source documents handed out.
Develop points FOR and AGAINST the internment of Japanese Canadians (5 points MINIMUM) for each.
Please TYPE out a two-column organizer with your notes.  Use "direct quotes" to build up your argument.

CPH: "The Dispossessed" (Pearl Harbour, Japanese Canadians, Internment Camps)

Format for the debate will be discussed tomorrow.

Group debate on Friday.  Should be interesting!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Day 51: Projects and a look at different battles

Finished off projects on the 1920s/1930s.

Handout and continued mapping assignment.
  • Axis and Allies.
  • Evacuation at Dunkirk
  • Battle of Britain
  • North-African Campaign
  • Operation Barbarossa
CPH: Episode beginning (Winston Churchill, Mackenzie King, National Resources Mobilization Act, internment camps, joint defence with the U.S)
        : The "Razor's Edge" (Battle of Britain)

Day 50: 1920s/1930s student projects

Individual presentations on topics from the 1920s/1930s.

We have some amazingly talented students in the class.

Well done!

Reminder: if your project is web based please make sure to EMAIL ME A LINK.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Day 49: Canada's response to war

Review of questions from yesterday.
CPH: "Mr. King goes to Berlin" (Spain, Fascism, King's visit to Hitler)

Questions on CANADA'S RESPONSE THE THREAT OF WAR (p.127-129) and CANADA DECLARES WAR (p. 130-132)

CPH: "Our only hope is Canada" (Nazism, Senator Cairine Wilson lobbies for refugees, Immigration policy and Frederick Blair)
        : "Canada goes to war" (Germany invades Poland, Phony War 1939-40, voluntary enlistment in  Canada)

Maps: Europe, North Africa, Asia
(Colour code based on year attacked.  Create legend.  Make notes on the map)
Ongoing mapping/notes assignment
1) Italy invaded _________ (1935)
2) Japan invaded _________(1931) and _____________ (1937)
3) What resources did Japan want?
4) Hitler's aggression in Europe (1936-39)

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Day 48: Causes of WW2 and Hitler's rise to power

Handout: Terms you should know for 1920s *(Ch. 3) and 1930s (Ch. 4).

Class activity:  Find someone who knows..... (an introduction to WW2).

Notes: Rise of Fascism (and review of the other causes of WW2).

Video: Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

Rises of Totalitarianism.  Q #3,4,5 Pg 123.
Causes of WW2.  Q#3,4 Pg 126.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Day 47: Japanese aggression leading up to WW2

Federal-Provincial Tensions: Rowell-Sirois Report that recommended that the federal government give poorer provinces grans or equalization payments.

The Depression and Global Politics (114/115)
  • Germany after the war
  • The Depression in Asia
  • Russians Embrace Communism
  • Prelude to war
Q#1-4. Pg. 115.

Powerpoint and video on atrocities committed by Japanese forces in China
  • Invasion of Manchuria in 1931
  • Massacre of Nanking/Rape of Nanking in 1937 (Nanjing)
Notes regarding the lead up to WW2.
What is "Appeasement?"

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Day 46: Business Cycle and solutions to the Great Depression

Current events (CTV): a look at the destruction caused by Hurricane Haiyan in the Phillippines.

Provincial exam question (example):
  • Please EMAIL me if you would like a copy of the 1920s mind map
Handout: Business cycle (recession, recovery, prosperity, depression)
Overhead: a look at the housing crisis in 2008.  Close to another depression after the US mortgage/housing crisis.

Finished notes: solutions to the depression.

CPH: "The End of the Line'.  Looking at FDR and the New Deal.  Canadian labour camps.  Vancouver strike, and the On to Ottawa Trek.

Read pg. 94-100.  Questions #1, 2a, 3, 6
Read Pg 110.  How involved should the government be in the economy during a depression?

1920s/1930s project due on Monday, November 18th

Friday, 8 November 2013

Day 45: Remembrance Day ceremony

Thank you to the committee for planning a very respectful Remembrance Day ceremony.

Thank you to Captain Dean Pilkey (did a tour in Afghanistan) for attending and sharing your thoughts.

Current events: 3 senators suspended.  Toronto Mayor under fire.

Projects due on Thursday, November 14th

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 44: Government response to the Great Depression

Causes and effects of the Great Depression

Government response to the Great Depression.

A video on "Mr. Bennett's letters" (PM Bennett's response to the Great Depression).

Remembrance Day ceremony tomorrow. 
Poppies will be distributed in Block A - donations welcome!

Day 43: Causes and effects of the Great Depression

    A New Challenge to Federalism: Regionalism
  • Maritimes
  • Prairies
  • Rural Ontario
  • Quebec
  • Western interests
Canadians choose a new government.
Mr. Adel teaches on the Stock Market Crash and causes and effects of the Great Depression

Day 42: 1920s/1930s research project

Continued work on the project.

Due date: Thursday, November 14th

Monday, 4 November 2013

Day 41: Research and different forms of presenting

Library computer lab for the 1920s/1930s project

What was demonstrated by the librarian:
a) Padlet
b) Glogster
c) Two was to do proper bibliography (MLA)

An idea for one-act plays.  Watching Canada - Heritage Minutes (

Tomorrow we will meet in the library again.
2 pages of notes and correct MLA format.

Remember: how can you creatively present your topic?
Have fun!

Day 40: Canada's independence and 1920s/1930s project

Finished off the remaining topics for Canada's growing independence (pg. 83).
  • Imperial conference and the Balfour Report
  • Statute of Westminster
Handout: Project for 1920s/1930s.

A look at an aspect of life during this time. 
Due date: Wednesday, November 13th.

Read pages 67-71: Canada and the Roaring 20s.
Answer Questions #1, 2a, 3,4 (pg. 70)

Library computer lab on Monday/Tuesday for project research.

Have a great weekend!

Day 39: Canada's growing independence

Welcome to UBC student teacher, Mr. Gasmi.

Taught a lesson on Canada's growing independence (pg. 80/81)
  • Chanak Crisis
  • Halibut Treaty
  • King-Byng-Crisis