Friday 28 April 2017

Day 51: Pornography, media and influence on culture

Define "pornography"
Brainstorm +/- aspects

ABC's documentary on teenage brains on porn: CLICK to watch

Group article analysis: pornografication of our culture

ABC's documentary on Belladonna (lifestyle and tragic end): CLICK to watch

Thursday 27 April 2017

Day 50: advertising continued

Current event: driver acquitted CLICK to read

Detergent ad: CLICK to watch
Nivea ad: CLICK to watch
Shea-moisture; CLICK to watch
Old spice: CLICK to watch  CLICK to watch
Pepsi: CLICK to watch

UN seat for HR given to Saudi Arabia.  Justifiable decision?  CLICK to read

In groups, come up with debate topics that you might like to address in a future class/assignment.
At least 1 per major topic area.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Day 49: The influence of advertising

Self/Peer assessment

Looking at advertisements and how marketers analyze AIO's (attitudes, interests, opinions)

An example of persuasive language (how do we change).
Watching Ash Beckham's TED TALK regarding tolerance and acceptance ("that is so gay") CLICK to watch

Excellent video on gender stereotyping among primary students (from the UK). CLICK to watch

How are ads helping to perpetuate stereotypical norms (ex. cleaning featuring only women).  CLICK to watch
A paradox for marketers: how do they market to women but not depict stereotypes?
How can diverse advertisements help to change the narrative?  Need to have diverse marketing.

Example: Under Armour released a series of commercials depicting strong women "I will what I want") CLICK to watch
Example: "Mad World" - Philippines CLICK to watch

Niche marketing: companies like Subaru marketing to the LGTBQ community.  "Entirely comfortable with its orientation."  "Different Drivers.  Different Roads.  One Car" CLICK to watch

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Day 48: Guest speaker

Topic: Privilege and Intersectional Feminism
Candy represents privilege
For the following answer yes/no.  If yes, connect the candy.  Examples of questions include:

  1. When I open a magazine I see my race represented.
  2. English is my first language.
  3. I can walk down the street without being afraid of unwanted sexual advances.
  4. I have travelled several times in my life.
  5. When people use the terms skin colour/nude they are usually referring the colour of my skin.
  6. I have never had to skip school to celebrate a school holiday of my religion, nor have I had to skip a holiday celebration to go to school.
  7. I have never had to worry about politicians deciding what I can/cannot do with my body.
  8. Post secondary plans - my family will support me financially.
  9. Go through most days without being limited by physical or mental illness.
  10. I have almost never been uncomfortable by a joke related to my race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or ability.
Analyze own candy did it make you feel building this?
Is this an accurate way of demonstrating privilege?  
Can privilege be measured?
Is discrimination that we face connected?

Clip from Kimberle Williams Crenshaw on Intersectionality: CLICK to view
Intersections of privilege and oppressions and how people move through the world.
Living in a world where we ask ourselves questions.  Example: when I am walking onto a plane, there is someone in the world who can't.  How are other people dealing with the world.  Empathy.

Four terms:  4 I's of intersectionality and oppression (identify an example)
Internalized: when members of the oppressed group begin to believe and internalize the negative messages about themselves that the oppressors inflict, resulting in divisiveness, pessimism, and damaged self-respect or pride amongst the oppressed group.  
Interpersonal: when beliefs and attitudes translate into normalized actions in the form of micro aggressions, which are common everyday derogatory behaviours towards members of an oppressed group
Institutional: when the beliefs and attitudes towards oppressed groups in the society become embedded in the institutions of the society through law, education, workforce, politics, and other formal structures.
Ideological: when a society maintains at its basic core the idea that members of one group deserves to hold more power than the other because of intrinsic characteristics that these groups hold

Sunday 23 April 2017

Day 47: Mistreatment of women

Time to write journal #5 on our documentary from last two classes.

Watch TED TALK.  President Jimmy Carter speaks on why he thinks mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse (16:36).  CLICK to watch

In his travels around what has he said about:
a) connection to people's interpretation of the bible/scripture
b) Female genital mutilation
c) Honor killings (holy scripture)
d) Slavery/human trafficking.  What % are women?
e) Military
f) University
g) Equal pay
h) Men's role

Current events: "Party girl" stereotype played role in acquittal of Halifax taxi driver, review suggests
CLICK to read and watch

Friday 21 April 2017

Thursday 20 April 2017

Day 45: Guest speaker

Guest speaker on augmentative communication.

How would you define communication?
Different forms.
Guest speaker from the district and student at our school.

Around 440,000 Canadians have speech and language disabilities in Canada.
Around 50,000 in Canada.
Disabilities can affect people in different ways: a) speech, b) language, c) combination, d) people may also have other physical, sensory, cognitive and other disabilities

Barriers.  Sometimes people are:
a) Afraid to talk to us
b) Assume that we can't hear
c) Assume we don't understand
d) Think we are drunk

Communication Access symbol.  Effective communication always takes two people.  Involves watching and listening.  Ex. using pictures, typing messages, facial movement.

Things to consider when communicating with someone with a S/L disability:
Treating the person equally.
Speak in a normal tone.
Do not speak in a childish manner.  Not being patronizing.
Is there anything I can do when communicating with you?
Be patient.
Make a sincere effort to understand what the person is communicating.

For more information please visit Communication Disabilities Across Canada CLICK to view

Communications BILL of RIGHTS: CLICK to view

In class (hand in)
1) Brainstorm challenges that people with disabilities face (student/adult)
2) Idenitfy 5 examples of places in society that help (resources/support/living) in Vancouver and surrounding areas.   Search via disability(?).  Provide 1 sentence about what the agency does.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Day 44: Male stereotypes demystified

Handout: for the documentary

Mulan; CLICK to watch

Russell Peters: CLICK to watch

Starting on the documentary.
Key ideas include:
a) What do we associate masculinity with?
b) Examples of hyper-masculinity/hyper-femininity.  Negative connotations with being a "momma's boy"?
c) Origin of sexism and homophobia.
d) Affecting relationships - what are some 'feminine" things that boys are taught not to do.  What do they say about intimacy?

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Thursday 13 April 2017

Day 42: Gender pay gap

Finish off the Human Rights Legislation sheet

Gender pay gap.
Funny or die: Pinksourcing starring Kristen Bell CLICK to watch
Funny or die: Forehead Tittaes starring Marion Cottiard CLICK to watch

Handout and discussion: myths regarding the gender pay gap

Media: finding a commercial on gender gap/gender discrimination

Continue working on projects:  Class time on Tuesday.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Day 41: work period

Library computer lab.

Continue working with your partners.

Project due date Friday, April 18th

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Day 40: Gender unit begins

100 year anniversary of Vimy Ridge: CLICK to watch

Define masculinity vs femininity.  Examples of stereotypical gender roles/descriptions?

Handout: Human rights legislation
Charter of R&F
BC Code of HR

The Story of Human Rights: CLICK to watch

Current events: Women not allowed to run a marathon in Iran CLICKto read

Friday 7 April 2017

Day 38: Documentary

Current events:  US strikes Syria in retaliation for Syrian governments' use of chemical weapons.
CLICK to watch

Finished the documentary on racism and mass incarceration in the US.

Day 37: documentary

Journal #4: impact of the guest speaker yesterday?  What did you find interesting/disturbing?  What did you take away from the talk?

Start of our documentary.  Take notes

Day 36: Guest speakers

Thank you so much for guest speakers Dr. Chung and Elder Don.

This talk involved personal stories of Elder Don's experience with Residential Schools.
He discussed his life of poverty, homelessness, and his battles with addiction.  Such a powerful talk.

Day 35: Project

Internet down.

Read and review questions for 13th documentary.

Brainstorm and create groups for racism project.

Monday 3 April 2017

Day 34: Racism in society

Should we ban controversial words?
Ex. the "N-word" from To Kill a Mockingbird.  Or from music/rap?

Look at

Examples of racist incidents in society/history:
a) Incident in Edmonton
b) Incident in Abbotsford
c) New York Times #thisis2016 about Asian Americans CLICK to view
d) Racism infographic
e) Map of worlds most racist countries
f) History of racism in 30 pictures.  CLICK to view

Identify 5 of the most interesting/disturbing facts/images that you found.

13th - pre read the document questions.

Please develop one question that you would like to ask the guest speaker on Wednesday.