Friday, 21 December 2018

Day 71: Last day before the holidays

Please finalize your volunteering assignments.
When we return in January we will begin preparing for final presentations.

Have a fantastic, well-deserved, break!

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Day 70: powtoon analysis

I am so inspired by the awesome Powtoons that you created for this project.  Way to go!

Child marriage in Niger: CLICK to view

Child trafficking in the UK: CLICK to view

Stopping sex trafficking in Indonesia: CLICK to view

Pink tampon taxi in London: CLICK to view

India and human trafficking: CLICK to view

Organ harvesting in China: CLICK to view

Education in Rohingya refugee camps: CLICK to view

Child labour in Indonesia: CLICK to view

Human trafficking in India: CLICK to view

Child marriage in Pakistan: CLICK to watch

Migrant caravan heading towards the US/Mexico border: CLICK to view

Mountain gorillas coming back from the edge of extinction: CLICK to view

European migrant crisis: CLICK to view

Human trafficking in Haiti: CLICK to view

Illegal wildlife trade: CLICK to view

Poverty: CLICK to view 

Gender inequality on women and girls in South Africa: CLICK to view

Day 68 & 69: movie analysis

Group discussion questions on Blood Diamond.

Watching another movie that deals with gender roles and LGBTQ issues.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Day 66 & 67: Movie analysis

A look at Blood Diamond and the connection to various SJ issues:

  • Corporations/Exploitation
  • Poverty
  • Education
  • War
  • Child Soldiers
  • Health care
  • Refugees
  • Government/UN intervention

Monday, 10 December 2018

Day 64 & 65: Corporate Social Responsibility & Environment

Worksheet on CSR.  Answer the first part: What responsibility does a corporation have to the community/society?  Should it have a responsibility to community society?

Movie clip: CLICK to watch Gordon Gecko speech on "greed is good"

What is CSR? Looking at sustainability (5 minutes).  CLICK to watch
Another video on CSR: CLICK to watch
What is CSR (10 minutes)? CLICK to watch
Another video on CSR: CLICK to watch
Another video on CSR: CLICK to watch

How consumers respond to CSR: CLICK to watch

Find two examples of companies that have made changes to demonstrate/practice CSR.

The social responsibility of business by Alex Edmans (TEDx talk): CLICK to view
The business benefits of doing good by Wendy Woods (TED talk): CLICK to view

10 things to know about plastic pollution: View global citizen

TED Talk on responsible consumerism (TEDxStanleyPark. 2017): CLICK to watch
CNN: Plastic island.  CLICK to read an article
Largest garbage dump in the world: CLICK to view
Sperm whale found dead: CLICK to read an article
Another article: CLICK to read an article
What are micro plastics: CLICK to watch
How Japan disposes of wastes: CLICK to watch
How is San Francisco becoming a zero waste city: CLICK to watch
Problems with waste disposal in India:

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Day 61 & 62 & 63: work period for Powtoon assignment

Powtoon assignment.
Finish your script and upload your audio file to your powtoon.
Create your video to accompany your audio file.

If you have difficulty with creating your infographic please refer to the instructional videos at the bottom of

Day 60: Guest speakers on Japanese Internment

Movie clip: CLICK to watch
Christmas controversy: CLICK to watch
Christmas song controversy: CLICK to watch
Inappropriate song for 2018 amidst the MeToo movement?

Speakers who lived through Japanese internment during WWII.
They discussed the following topics:

  1. Mr. Enomoto: Impact of racism on the individual
  2. Ms. Komori & Ms. Takasaki: Discovering family history and remembering Steveston
  3. Mr. Shimokura: War Measures Act and the consequences for Japanese Canadians in WWII
  4. Dr. Horii: The Japanese Internment and WWII

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Day 59: Water as a social justice issue

Why is water a social justice issue?
Should we be charging for water?

Flow the film trailer: CLICK to view

World vision - pouring a foundation for social justice: CLICK to view website

Contamination of water and water borne diseases: CLICK to watch

Largest African Lake becoming a conduit for disease: CLICK to watch

A world without water: CLICK to watch

Find two examples of how companies have polluted water in North America?
Two in other parts of the world?
How can we deter companies from polluting?  How can we improve water systems?

Monday, 3 December 2018

Day 58: Global Awareness Project

Creating a Powtoon infographic video.

Article selections: please research and write your script today.

Global Citizen: CLICK to view
CNN Freedom project: CLICK to view
CNN Freedom project blogs: CLICK to view

We will be back in the library on Thursday and Friday this week.