Role of religion in causing social injustice.
Historically, how or why has church "gotten off the rails?"
What do you think of when you combine religion with social justice?
Ex. religion has its own agenda.
Ex. crusades
a) What informs the church?
What informs your sense of right/wrong? What informs your sense of priorities? What informs your healthy behaviours? School? Media? Social media? Family and friends?
What informs the church then? Go from one end to the other. Ex. doing great work to help people. Misinterpretation of holy text. The church informs itself.
Church is supposed to be informed by the bible. Has this always been the case?
b) Influence of pop culture.
What influences our sense of morality and justice is dependent on what?
Can we form ourselves on what is right and wrong today?
We give ourselves permission to do things based on what? Ex. who watches pirated movies/listens to pirated music? Do we justify this? Why? Are we entitled to this?
Fashion cycles: how many today vs. 25 years ago?
52 fashion cycles, vs 2.
When you shop where you shop do you look at the labels of where clothes are made? Are we part of the problem?
Is awareness making a difference? How many of you have posted something in social media about a cause? Is this really helping? Or are you actually physically doing something? Help starts with just one.
Wisdom is the correct use of knowledge. Knowledge is saying to yourself, "I need to eat healthy, and workout, etc"
"Do for some what you wish you could do for all!"
What stops you from doing something? Insecurity (being not really sure on what to do)?
Do you have a realistic expectation of what you can do?
Don't minimize your "little bit" that you can do for someone.
What can you realistically do? Even for someone in the school? Can you make yourself vulnerable enough to initiate conversation with someone?
Can you give your time?
Feedback write:
What resonated with you?
Clear/unclear? Which parts?