Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Day 42: Project work day

Life lesson: control what you can control!

Superhero project presentations next Thursday, November 16

All the best!

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Day 41: Advertising and Marketing

Looking at advertisements and how marketers analyze AIO's (attitudes, interests, opinions)

An example of persuasive language (how do we change the pejorative?)
Watching Ash Beckham's TED TALK regarding tolerance and acceptance ("that is so gay") CLICK to watch

Excellent video on gender stereotyping among primary students (from the UK). CLICK to watch

Heineken ad poking fun at gender stereotypes: CLICK to watch
UK bans gender stereotypes in adverts: CLICK to read
Girls toys vs boys toys: CLICK to watch
UK bans gender stereotypes in adverts: CLICK to watch
Men in commercials?  What is the stereotype:  CLICK to watch

How are ads helping to perpetuate stereotypical norms (ex. cleaning featuring only women).  CLICK to watch
A paradox for marketers: how do they market to women but not depict stereotypes?
How can diverse advertisements help to change the narrative?  Need to have diverse marketing.

Example: Under Armour released a series of commercials depicting strong women "I will what I want") CLICK to watch
Example: "Mad World" - Philippines CLICK to watch

Friday, 3 November 2017

Day 40: Gender unit begins

Define masculinity vs. femininity.  Gender roles?  Descriptions?

Handout: human rights legislation

Charter of R&F.  BC Code of HR.

Story of Human Rights: CLICK to watch

Not allowed to run a marathon? CLICK to read and watch

Arrested for showing skin? CLICK to read

Day 39: Project

Continue to work on project in the library computer lab.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Day 38: Comics a reflection of parts of society?

Fill out forms.

Debrief guest speaker from yesterday.

How Marvel used to treat social justice warriors: CLICK to watch

History Channel: superheroes CLICK to watch

They psychology of comic books: why we worship superheroes CLICK to read

The hyper sexualization of women in comics: CLICK to watch

Readers abandoning Marvel Comics.  Agree or disagree?  CLICK to read

Like kryptonite, SJ warrior ideology is killing comic book universe.  Agree or disagree? CLICK to watch

Day 37: Guest speaker

Thanks for coming in, Cliff.

What do you know of/think of the church + social justice/social injustice.

What informs you?
What informs the church?
Based on what you know about history - has the church's actions throughout history been consistent with the bible?
One of the things that the church did was impose a church culture on the people.
Judging.  Church judges people.  People judge the church.
What "corrects you" when you get off track?

When you don't know what to do? Put yourself into someone else's shoes.  Empathy?  Compassion?
Do "something".  Can be paralyzed by the "big things."  Aim to do something "small."
It can wind up being empowering and amazing.

One of the most powerful things that Cliff has done: take medical supplies to a different country.  Helping raise $ for a hospital in Iraq.  Helping with building homes in the northern Amazon.

Social justice - giving "value" to a person.  Valuing humanity.

Challenge: how to not avoid someone/some situation because it makes us uncomfortable.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Day 36: Library research

Hand in assignments + evaluation sheet.

Research on Superhero assignment.

Guest speaker tomorrow.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Day 35: In class essay write

In class essay.
Share your Google Doc with me.

Homework - think about who you might want to partner with on Monday.
Think about a character you might want to choose.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Day 34: Finish movie and new project intro

Finished the fun movie.

Add onto your notes.  In class write tomorrow.

New project.
Before picking partners - powerful story on the power of saying "No"

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Day 32: Racism

Speed debate:
1) Should certain offensive words be banned?
2) Should we ban the use of the "N-word" in music/rap?

Debrief on guest speaker yesterday (hand in the sheet)

#this is 2016 (racism against Asian-Americans): CLICK to watch

Group: find 5 examples of how Hollywood is/was racist.

Monday, 23 October 2017

Day 31: Guest speaker

Guest speaker: Residential School survivor

Thank you so much for sharing about your negative past in Residential Schools and foster care.
Your personal stories about struggles with addiction and your path towards redemption is inspiring.
Thank you for volunteering and contributing to our community, and speaking to us today.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Day 30: Slavery

What are epigenetics? CLICK to watch
Another link on epigenetics: CLICK to watch

Crash Course - Slavery (US history): CLICK to watch John Greene

Finish maps.  Due on Tuesday.

Question for Elder Don.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Day 28 and 29: Movie analysis

Movie analysis on possible root of racism.

Fill in the analysis sheet.

New sheet on analysing the role of religion in the movie.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Day 27: Racism and shootings in the USA

"We only shoot black people...."  CLICK to watch shocking video from a police officer in the US

Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma: CLICK to watch
Behavioual therapist shot: CLICK to watch
Walter Scott in Charleston, South Carolina: CLICK to watch
NYPD chokes man in NY: CLICK to watch
NBA stars on social injustice: Watch LeBron, CP3, DWade,Melo speak at the ESPYs

On Google's homepage for today: Olaudah Equiano's 272 birthday.  Sold into slavery at age 11. Survived and acquired his freedom and helped the British movement to end slavery.

Time to finish poverty map and Transatlantic slave trade map.

Questions to focus on for 12 Years a Slave tomorrow.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Day 26: Journal write and Transatlantic slave trade

12 steps to achieve gender equality: CLICK to read
6 ways to fight for gender equality: CLICK to read

Journal #3:

Transatlantic slave trade: CLICK to access UNESCO site

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Day 25: International Day of the Girl & Racism unit begins

Yesterday was International Day of the Girl: CLICK to watch CTV clip
TED Talk - What teen pregnancy looks like in Latin America CLICK to watch

First Nations school first step to undoing historic wrongs: CLICK to view

Dictionary's 2016 word of the year?
What does it mean?

Song from hit Broadway play, Avenue Q: CLICK to watch

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: CLICK to read

First Nations Residential Schools and the Truth and Reconciliation report Call to Action: CLICK to read

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: CLICK to access

UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples: CLICK to read

Summary of the TRC: CLICK to read

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Day 24: Debate and mapping

Great job on the debate:
Self assessment.
Team mate assessment
Opponent assessment

Work on global poverty map.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Day 23: Debate prep, aboriginal homelessness & global poverty map

Prep for debate tomorrow:
Teams.  Opening and Closing arguments.
Individual notes to be handed in.
Current events: Mike Pence leaves football game over player protests.

Document on homelessness in BC.  Looking at Aboriginal Homelessness
CLICK to read

Global poverty map.  In class assignment.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Day 22: Debate prep

Everyone responsible for own notes for Wednesdays debate.  Cease working on the group notes.
Print out the existing notes.  Rest of arguments to be handwritten on lined paper.

Examples of language used to express opinions (debate)

Introducing own opinion:

  • My (own) personal view on this matter is that...
  • Personally I think that.....
  • It's my belief that....
  • The way I look at it is this....
  • As far as I can see
Stating a contrasting opinion first:
  • It is widely believed that.......However, personally I think that....
  • It is sometimes said that.....but my own view is that....
Other expressions give more information about the speaker's attitude to the view expressed:
  • I understand both sides of the argument, but on balance I think that...
  • I don't think there can be much doubt that...
  • There is no doubt that....
Speed debating topics:
  1. Should students be banned from bringing cellphones to school?
  2. All immigrants should adopt the values of their host country

Current events.  Sign up for the homeless simulation through UGM.  CLICK to read and watch

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Day 21: Current events and debate topic

Current events: Edmonton.  Jagmeet Singh.  Vegas.

Debate topic: Should NFL players protest during the American national anthem?

Look at the debate rubric.
A look at Colin Kaepenick and the beginning of the NFL player protests.

Make detailed notes for both sides:

5 w's
Reasons for and against
What are the social justice connections?
Public perception?  Athletes?  Ethnicity?
Who benefits?  How affected?
Examples of who is speaking out for/against
What is the message?  Message or the means?

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Day 20: In class analysis

In class analysis on the movie.

Volunteer proposals due on Friday.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Day 19: Movie analysis

Conclusion of the movie.
Continue to make notes.  You may use these for your in-class write tomorrow.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Day 17: Homeless and TED Talks on poverty

Current event: Saudi Arabian women allowed to drive CLICK to read and watch

SFU document on poverty:CLICK to read

Group analysis and discussions on TED Talks discussing poverty: CLICK TO VIEW CHOICES

  • 3 reasons why we can win the fight vs. poverty
  • A practical way to help the homeless find work and safety
  • Social experiments to fight poverty
  • How America's public schools keep kids in poverty
  • Poverty isn't a lack of character, its a lack of cash

Day 18: Current events and movie analysis

Frightening current event in Edmonton: CLICK to watch

Political change for the Federal NDP: CLICK to read and watch

New TED talk: What teen pregnancy looks like in Latin America CLICK to watch

Movie analysis

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Day 15: field trip debrief and poverty

Journal #2: Field trip debrief

What does UGM do?  A success story: CLICK to watch

More success stories about people fighting addiction and the role of UGM: CLICK to watch

Group discussion.

Work on volunteering assignment.  Make contact and get your volunteer contact form signed.

Day 14: Field trip

An eye-opening field trip today to the DTES.

Great meeting with the non-profit agencies today.
A beautiful day for a guided walk through the DTES with members of the VPD.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Day 13: Guest speaker

Talk on homelessness, poverty and mental health

Asking some difficult questions.  The outline for the guest lecture today:

  • The impact of poverty
  • Myths & held beliefs/stigma
    • What is a stigma?  Stigmas isolate people.  Occurs when we project and reinforce attitudes and stereotypes that judge and label those who we see as different
    • Society often has an "us and them" approach to social issues...it doesn't affect me and I'm not like them
    • Poverty by the numbers.  Basic stats.  Between 1980-2005 the average earnings among the least wealthy Canadians fell by 20%.  1 in 7 (or 4.9 million) people in Canada live in poverty.
    • Poverty costs Canada as a whole between $72 billion and $84 billion annually.
  • Effect on Children and Families
    • Indigenous peoples: In 2014, 64.1% of food bank users were Indigenous Persons.  Over represented amongst the homeless population in virtually all urban centres in Canada.  1 in 2 Status First Nations children lives in poverty
    • Other groups.  1 in 5 minority families live in poverty as opposed to 1 in 20 non-minority families.  Women from Minority groups living in poverty were almost twice as likely to work in manufacturing jobs than other women living in poverty
    • Elderly: Nearly 15% of elderly single individuals live in poverty
  • The role of Mental Illness and trauma
    • Mental health and substance use.  In the past year BC has been struggling with an epidemic of opiate drug use that has resulted in unprecedented numbers of deaths in the past year.  Fentanyl has surfaced as the most deadly opiate yet and has caused many of the reported deaths.  Front line workers are now having to revive users sometimes two or there times a day.  
  • How to help
How to help change the conversation about poverty: CLICK to watch this CBC clip
Inside St. Paul's emergency room: WATCH the CBC documentary

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Day 11&12: presentations

Well done group!

Some very inspiring biographies presented.

Bring field trip forms for Monday!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Day 10: Guest speaker

Lennie from the Salvation Army (has worked 30 years in social services).
Talking about poverty/homelessness in the local community and how the Salvation Army helps.

Why do people get into drugs and homelessness?  Abuse.  Others.

Salvation Army has an expanding homeless shelter in the city.  Going from 10 beds to 35 (in 2018).

Camp volunteers.  Working with sorting clothing.  Helping out working in a kitchen to help feed people. Food bank.

Why are people homeless?  Cost of living is increasing.
Welfare is only $500-$600 a month.
For people below the poverty line in Richmond, a popular place is the food bank.

Thank you for sharing your stories about past experiences.
Ex. 15 year old was abused.  Developed a $500 a day cocaine addiction to help mask the pain.  Turned to prostitution to help pay for her drug addiction.

Types of poverty worksheet.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Day 9: Volunteer project

$10 for field trip.

Field trip forms signed.

Home work: continue to come up with a list of places to volunteer at.
When choosing a site, remember "how is this related to a social justice topic?"

Biography presentations on Wednesday.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Day 8: Project

Field trip $.

Rubric for biography assignment handed out.
Please follow criteria.

Journal #1 on bias due today.
Make up journal day is this upcoming Monday at lunch.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Day 7: Intro to poverty

Collect field trip $.

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

What is the poverty cycle?  Where would you intervene in order to break the cycle.

What is the Human Development Index?
How is poverty in Canada measured?
Why is it so difficult to compare poverty between Canada and other developing nations?

How is poverty measured?  CLICK to watch

What is poverty costing us in BC?  CLICK to watch

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Day 6: Moral Compass and Global Citizen

Field trip: Please bring $10.
Aiming to go in two weeks.

Analyzing Canada's moral compass: CLICK to read and look at stats

(fill in the worksheet on the following Ted Talk by Hugh Evans)

What does it mean to be a Global Citizen? CLICK to watch

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Day 5: Journal #1 and research

Ice breaker activity.

Journal #1 (due this Friday).
What are my biases?  How do they affect the way I see the world?
Where do my beliefs come from (eg. family, peers, school, religious teachings, media, experiences).  To what degree are they unique to me?
How do my personal experiences and circumstances (eg. age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, family, socioeconomic status) affect my perceptions?

Time for biography research.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Day 3: biography project

Current events: Hurricane Irma slams the Caribbean.  Muslim group persecuted in Myanmar.
CLICK to watch

Biography project handout.
Example of the powerpoint to accompany your biography presentation.

Johann Olav Koss:  CLICK to watch his role with Right to Play

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Day 2: Long term change, empathy, and bias

Intro to SJ 12: Kahoot.

How do we make change that is long term/everlasting?

Relational attitudes handout.

What is empathy?  A look at the video by Brene Brown

Define bias, prejudice, discrimination, stereotype

What is unconscious bias? Click to watch

Handout; Structured self assessment

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Day 1: Welcome to a new semester

Course outline
Parent/guardian form signed please.
"Getting to know you" ice breaker.

a) Free speech is truly free
b) We should limit free speech

A look at the timeline of events in Charlottesville: CLICK to read and watch
A paradox of tolerance.  What does it mean?  Click to view
Protest/Counter protest in our back yard: CLICK to read and watch

Outline SJ term project.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Day 82 and 83: Final exit interviews

Very in depth and powerful exit interviews.

It was such a pleasure listening to you discuss:
a) how you define social justice
b) examples of social injustice
c) what direction is social justice heading

Day 81: Final volunteer presentations

Volunteering presentations complete.

Great job everyone!

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Day 80: Graduation inspiration

Hello all Gr. 12 students.  I'm sorry that I will not be able to attend convocation on Thursday.  However, I would like to share some humorous words of inspiration from a USC commencement speech.

Will Ferrell commencement address (25 minutes): CLICK to watch

Time to work on your final exit interviews for Monday.

Day 79: Final presentations

Volunteering presentations.

Day 78: final exit interview

Time to work on final exit interviews

Day 77: presentations

Final volunteer presentations.

Well done groups.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Day 76: Infographics

Present remaining infographics.

Final time for project presentations.

Interactive component is important.
Students must ask questions.
You must ask questions and get the class involved/discussion.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Day 75: Environmental impact

Students present their infographics on CNN Trafficking

Value Village's goal: Rethink, Reuse. CLICK to view

What is your clothing footprint? CLICK to view infographic

Species vanishing: CLICK to watch
Copy 5 causes.

Trump pulls the US out of the Paris Climate Accord: CLICK to read and watch

CNN Planet in Peril trailer: CLICK to watch

CNN Planet in Peril - China part 1 (species extinction): CLICK to watch

CNN Planet in Peril - shark finning: CLICK to watch

Day 74: Final project presentation time

Stay on task.

Make sure you brainstorm ways to make your presentation interactive.
Ask students questions and make sure that they are involved somehow.

Time limit of 15 minutes.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Day 73: Environmental impact

CNN's Plastic Island: CLICK to view

What are your thoughts from seeing the images from Midway?

How many pieces of plastic are estimated to be in the oceans already? ____________
How many tons of plastic leak into the ocean annually?  __________
Americans are said to use _____ million plastic bottles every hour.

What is the impact to the food chain?  

How are people affected?

What is a micro-plastic? (video at the bottom).  

Who are some of the worst plastic polluters in the world?  What can people do to reduce plastics?  Will that work in Canada?  Other countries in the world?

Time to finish your infographic.
Time to work on your exit interview.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Day 72: Trafficking and globalization

Wonder Woman trailer: successful female comic book hero as a lead character in a movie.

What is globalization? CLICK to watch

Handout: Why globalization is so controversial

Crash course on globalization and trade and poverty: CLICK to view

Work on your infographic.
Work on your exit interview.

Exit interviews on June 19-21.

Day 70 & 71: Final project

Students fill out form on their volunteering activity.

Final oral interview rubric.

Year end concert.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Day 69: Making infographics

Tips on what makes a great infographic: CLICK to read

CNN Freedom webpage: CLICK to read.
Use your notes that you took last day.

Each student takes his/her article and creates an infographic (Different look/style/template.  Different stats and information).

Please read above when making your infographic
Stats are good.  Visuals are great.  Not too wordy.

Can you find examples of effective infographics?
What makes this infographic interesting/effective/unique?

Create a login profile and start creating.

Day 68: Debate

Three debate topics.

Stay in role.
Listen to others, make notes, and make thoughtful rebuttals.

Peer evaluation.
Self evaluation.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Day 67: CNN's Freedom Project

Nepal's organ trail - how traffickers steal kidneys CLICK to view

CLICK to view CNN's Freedom Project

Debate tomorrow.  Teams For/Against

Keys to making an effective infographic for next day.
CLICK to view

Friday, 26 May 2017

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Monday, 22 May 2017

Day 65: Movie analysis

Watching MILK.

Take notes: we will have a discussion/in class activity on Thursday.

  • Why does Harvey Milk feel the need to record his thoughts?
  • When you saw the film, was there any audience reaction that stuck with you? Was there any unexpected laughter or loud comments?
  • Anita Bryant and John Briggs brought a religious slant to their anti-gay campaigns. The film outlines their language clearly.  What were their views?
  • Significance of Harvey Milk?
  • Who does Harvey Milk recruit/get as allies outside the gay community?
  • Themes of the film might include: hope, compassion, understanding, tolerance.  Examples that stood out?
  • Did this movie challenge you in any way?  What stood out the most to you?

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Day 64: Global solutions

Current event: ingenuity to solve a wicked problem CLICK to watch

Making a proposal plan.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Day 63: Guest speakers: Anti-homophobia and LGBTQ

Speakers: Out In Schools

2-spirit (First Nations)
Queer or Questioning

Gender stereotyping at birth.

Video clip on pronouns:  "What do I call you?"  Just call me fun, a person....

The following are on a continuum:

Assigned Sex
Male - Intersex - Female
Video clip: what is intersex?
What is defined as gender identity?

Gender identity
Transwoman/woman - gender queer/gender creative/transgender - Transman/man

Gender Expression
Feminine - androgynous - masculine

Women - bisexual/pansexual/queer - men

How can I step up as an ally?

Day 62: Global Solutions jigsaw

Jigsaw sharing activity.

Identifying the problem.
Ideal state.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Day 61: Debate prep

Debate groups:

  1. Should assisted suicide be legal? 
  2. Should prostitution be legalized?
  3. Are technology and globalization destined to drive up inequality?

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Day 59: Guest speaker

Role of religion in causing social injustice.
Historically, how or why has church "gotten off the rails?"

What do you think of when you combine religion with social justice?
Ex. religion has its own agenda.
Ex. crusades

a) What informs the church?

What informs your sense of right/wrong?  What informs your sense of priorities?  What informs your healthy behaviours?  School?  Media?  Social media?  Family and friends?

What informs the church then?  Go from one end to the other.  Ex. doing great work to help people.  Misinterpretation of holy text.  The church informs itself.

Church is supposed to be informed by the bible.  Has this always been the case?

b) Influence of pop culture.

What influences our sense of morality and justice is dependent on what?

Can we form ourselves on what is right and wrong today?

We give ourselves permission to do things based on what?  Ex. who watches pirated movies/listens to pirated music?  Do we justify this?  Why?  Are we entitled to this?


Fashion cycles:  how many today vs. 25 years ago?
52 fashion cycles, vs 2.

When you shop where you shop do you look at the labels of where clothes are made?  Are we part of the problem?

Is awareness making a difference?  How many of you have posted something in social media about a cause?  Is this really helping?  Or are you actually physically doing something?  Help starts with just one.

Wisdom is the correct use of knowledge.  Knowledge is saying to yourself, "I need to eat healthy, and workout, etc"

"Do for some what you wish you could do for all!"

What stops you from doing something?  Insecurity (being not really sure on what to do)?
Do you have a realistic expectation of what you can do?

Don't minimize your "little bit" that you can do for someone.

What can you realistically do?  Even for someone in the school?  Can you make yourself vulnerable enough to initiate conversation with someone?
Can you give your time?

Feedback write:

What resonated with you?
Clear/unclear?  Which parts?

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Day 57: Global solutions day 2

Identifying a problem.
Identifying the ideal situation.
Identifying constraints.
Formulating the problem question.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Day 56: Global solutions day 1

Please start by doing the online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GSSpre

What is a "wicked problem?"

a) The math problem
b) The investment problem
c) The "Wicked problem"

How was the "wicked" problem of high rates of anemia solved in Cambodia?
Please watch the Lucky Iron Fish: CLICK to watch
Watch the TED Talk on the Lucky Iron Fish (17:41) CLICK to watch

When trying to solve problems, the solutions must consider all three of the following:

FEASIBLE - technologically possible
DESIRABLE - attractive and usable
VIABLE - economically sustainable

What makes a problem wicked?

Read the Global Solutions Challenge #3: The Reinvent the Toilet Challenge

Day 55: Movie analysis

Hand in questions by the end of class

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Day 54: Movie analysis

A movie that challenges stereotypes.

Handout: due tomorrow after the movie

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Day 53: LGBTQ+

John Oliver on LGBT discrimination: CLICK to watch

Ellen does standup on Johnny Carson for the first time: CLICK to watch

Obama honors Ellen: CLICK to watch

Ellen celebrates the 20th anniversary of her "coming out" episode on TV: CLICK to watch

NBA removes all star game from Charlotte, North Carolina: CLICK to read

Current events: story of beatings and torture CLICK to read

Current events: 'cures' CLICK to read

Current events: Trump signs order to protect opponents of gay marriage CLICK to read

Brainstorm and come up with one question for our guest speaker next Thursday.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Day 52: LGTBQ

Why is this a social justice issue?

What are some positives that are being done to advance rights for the LGBTQ+ community.
Government of Canada: CLICK to view
Gay pride parade with PM Trudeau: CLICK to view

Looking at the LGBTQ spectrum....very complex and wide ranging.

CNN International (disturbing images on ISIS on gay persons): CLICK to watch

TED TALK (Why ignorance isn't bliss) - Why we need LGBTQ education in schools: CLICK to view

One of the top musicals in the world: CLICK to watch opening scene
Book of Mormon (spoof - poking fun of just being able to "turn it off") CLICK to watch

Friday, 28 April 2017

Day 51: Pornography, media and influence on culture

Define "pornography"
Brainstorm +/- aspects

ABC's documentary on teenage brains on porn: CLICK to watch

Group article analysis: pornografication of our culture

ABC's documentary on Belladonna (lifestyle and tragic end): CLICK to watch

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Day 50: advertising continued

Current event: driver acquitted CLICK to read

Detergent ad: CLICK to watch
Nivea ad: CLICK to watch
Shea-moisture; CLICK to watch
Old spice: CLICK to watch  CLICK to watch
Pepsi: CLICK to watch

UN seat for HR given to Saudi Arabia.  Justifiable decision?  CLICK to read

In groups, come up with debate topics that you might like to address in a future class/assignment.
At least 1 per major topic area.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Day 49: The influence of advertising

Self/Peer assessment

Looking at advertisements and how marketers analyze AIO's (attitudes, interests, opinions)

An example of persuasive language (how do we change).
Watching Ash Beckham's TED TALK regarding tolerance and acceptance ("that is so gay") CLICK to watch

Excellent video on gender stereotyping among primary students (from the UK). CLICK to watch

How are ads helping to perpetuate stereotypical norms (ex. cleaning featuring only women).  CLICK to watch
A paradox for marketers: how do they market to women but not depict stereotypes?
How can diverse advertisements help to change the narrative?  Need to have diverse marketing.

Example: Under Armour released a series of commercials depicting strong women "I will what I want") CLICK to watch
Example: "Mad World" - Philippines CLICK to watch

Niche marketing: companies like Subaru marketing to the LGTBQ community.  "Entirely comfortable with its orientation."  "Different Drivers.  Different Roads.  One Car" CLICK to watch

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Day 48: Guest speaker

Topic: Privilege and Intersectional Feminism
Candy represents privilege
For the following answer yes/no.  If yes, connect the candy.  Examples of questions include:

  1. When I open a magazine I see my race represented.
  2. English is my first language.
  3. I can walk down the street without being afraid of unwanted sexual advances.
  4. I have travelled several times in my life.
  5. When people use the terms skin colour/nude they are usually referring the colour of my skin.
  6. I have never had to skip school to celebrate a school holiday of my religion, nor have I had to skip a holiday celebration to go to school.
  7. I have never had to worry about politicians deciding what I can/cannot do with my body.
  8. Post secondary plans - my family will support me financially.
  9. Go through most days without being limited by physical or mental illness.
  10. I have almost never been uncomfortable by a joke related to my race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or ability.
Analyze own candy structure...how did it make you feel building this?
Is this an accurate way of demonstrating privilege?  
Can privilege be measured?
Is discrimination that we face connected?

Clip from Kimberle Williams Crenshaw on Intersectionality: CLICK to view
Intersections of privilege and oppressions and how people move through the world.
Living in a world where we ask ourselves questions.  Example: when I am walking onto a plane, there is someone in the world who can't.  How are other people dealing with the world.  Empathy.

Four terms:  4 I's of intersectionality and oppression (identify an example)
Internalized: when members of the oppressed group begin to believe and internalize the negative messages about themselves that the oppressors inflict, resulting in divisiveness, pessimism, and damaged self-respect or pride amongst the oppressed group.  
Interpersonal: when beliefs and attitudes translate into normalized actions in the form of micro aggressions, which are common everyday derogatory behaviours towards members of an oppressed group
Institutional: when the beliefs and attitudes towards oppressed groups in the society become embedded in the institutions of the society through law, education, workforce, politics, and other formal structures.
Ideological: when a society maintains at its basic core the idea that members of one group deserves to hold more power than the other because of intrinsic characteristics that these groups hold

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Day 47: Mistreatment of women

Time to write journal #5 on our documentary from last two classes.

Watch TED TALK.  President Jimmy Carter speaks on why he thinks mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse (16:36).  CLICK to watch

In his travels around what has he said about:
a) connection to people's interpretation of the bible/scripture
b) Female genital mutilation
c) Honor killings (holy scripture)
d) Slavery/human trafficking.  What % are women?
e) Military
f) University
g) Equal pay
h) Men's role

Current events: "Party girl" stereotype played role in acquittal of Halifax taxi driver, review suggests
CLICK to read and watch

Friday, 21 April 2017

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Day 45: Guest speaker

Guest speaker on augmentative communication.

How would you define communication?
Different forms.
Guest speaker from the district and student at our school.

Around 440,000 Canadians have speech and language disabilities in Canada.
Around 50,000 in Canada.
Disabilities can affect people in different ways: a) speech, b) language, c) combination, d) people may also have other physical, sensory, cognitive and other disabilities

Barriers.  Sometimes people are:
a) Afraid to talk to us
b) Assume that we can't hear
c) Assume we don't understand
d) Think we are drunk

Communication Access symbol.  Effective communication always takes two people.  Involves watching and listening.  Ex. using pictures, typing messages, facial movement.

Things to consider when communicating with someone with a S/L disability:
Treating the person equally.
Speak in a normal tone.
Do not speak in a childish manner.  Not being patronizing.
Is there anything I can do when communicating with you?
Be patient.
Make a sincere effort to understand what the person is communicating.

For more information please visit Communication Disabilities Across Canada CLICK to view

Communications BILL of RIGHTS: CLICK to view

In class (hand in)
1) Brainstorm challenges that people with disabilities face (student/adult)
2) Idenitfy 5 examples of places in society that help (resources/support/living) in Vancouver and surrounding areas.   Search via disability(?).  Provide 1 sentence about what the agency does.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Day 44: Male stereotypes demystified

Handout: for the documentary

Mulan; CLICK to watch

Russell Peters: CLICK to watch

Starting on the documentary.
Key ideas include:
a) What do we associate masculinity with?
b) Examples of hyper-masculinity/hyper-femininity.  Negative connotations with being a "momma's boy"?
c) Origin of sexism and homophobia.
d) Affecting relationships - what are some 'feminine" things that boys are taught not to do.  What do they say about intimacy?

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Day 42: Gender pay gap

Finish off the Human Rights Legislation sheet

Gender pay gap.
Funny or die: Pinksourcing starring Kristen Bell CLICK to watch
Funny or die: Forehead Tittaes starring Marion Cottiard CLICK to watch

Handout and discussion: myths regarding the gender pay gap

Media: finding a commercial on gender gap/gender discrimination

Continue working on projects:  Class time on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Day 41: work period

Library computer lab.

Continue working with your partners.

Project due date Friday, April 18th

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Day 40: Gender unit begins

100 year anniversary of Vimy Ridge: CLICK to watch

Define masculinity vs femininity.  Examples of stereotypical gender roles/descriptions?

Handout: Human rights legislation
Charter of R&F
BC Code of HR

The Story of Human Rights: CLICK to watch

Current events: Women not allowed to run a marathon in Iran CLICKto read

Friday, 7 April 2017

Day 38: Documentary

Current events:  US strikes Syria in retaliation for Syrian governments' use of chemical weapons.
CLICK to watch

Finished the documentary on racism and mass incarceration in the US.

Day 37: documentary

Journal #4: impact of the guest speaker yesterday?  What did you find interesting/disturbing?  What did you take away from the talk?

Start of our documentary.  Take notes

Day 36: Guest speakers

Thank you so much for guest speakers Dr. Chung and Elder Don.

This talk involved personal stories of Elder Don's experience with Residential Schools.
He discussed his life of poverty, homelessness, and his battles with addiction.  Such a powerful talk.

Day 35: Project

Internet down.

Read and review questions for 13th documentary.

Brainstorm and create groups for racism project.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Day 34: Racism in society

Should we ban controversial words?
Ex. the "N-word" from To Kill a Mockingbird.  Or from music/rap?

Look at iDebate.com

Examples of racist incidents in society/history:
a) Incident in Edmonton
b) Incident in Abbotsford
c) New York Times #thisis2016 about Asian Americans CLICK to view
d) Racism infographic
e) Map of worlds most racist countries
f) History of racism in 30 pictures.  CLICK to view

Identify 5 of the most interesting/disturbing facts/images that you found.

13th - pre read the document questions.

Please develop one question that you would like to ask the guest speaker on Wednesday.

Friday, 31 March 2017

Day 33: 2nd movie analysis

Finished off movie.
Complete notes/questions on the movie.

Proposals due on Monday.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Day 32: 2nd analysis

Volunteer proposals due tomorrow.

Assignments handed back.

2nd movie analysis.  In class notes.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Day 31: Movie analysis

After finishing the movie please complete the worksheet/notes.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Monday, 27 March 2017

Day 29: Racism? Shootings in the USA.

Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma: CLICK to watch
Behavioual therapist shot: CLICK to watch
Walter Scott in Charleston, South Carolina: CLICK to watch
NYPD chokes man in NY: CLICK to watch
NBA stars on social injustice: Watch LeBron, CP3, DWade,Melo speak at the ESPYs

What are epigenetics? CLICK to watch
Another link on epigenetics: CLICK to watch

How long does it take a generation to "get over something?"

A review First Nations and residential schools.
What is the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?  CLICK to read
Summary from CBC: CLICK to read

12 years a slave tomorrow - questions to focus on.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Day 28: Work period

Global poverty map.

Journal #3.

Transatlantic slave trade map.
CLICK to view

Work on your proposal.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Day 27: Slave trade

Work period:

1) Global poverty map (due today)
2) Journal #3 due today/tomorrow
3) Transatlantic slave trade (tomorrow)

Final project proposal plan due on Monday, March 27th.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Day 26: International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Journal #3:

  • What are women protesting for (want) on International Women's Day?  Don't just say "equality"...in what areas?
  • In Canada, what would it take in order for women to reach equality in various aspects of society?
  • Do you think this will be achieved in your lifetime?  Yes? How?  or No?  What are the roadblocks?
Global News on International Women's Day: CLICK to read and watch
Unconscious bias keeping women out of boardrooms: CLICK to read
From the boardroom to the butcher shop women discuss gender inequality: CLICK to read

Think back to a time where you had a negative interaction with a person.  How long did it take you to "get over" that negative interaction?  Do those negative feelings still linger today?
Connection: when discussing racism in the US, or racism with regards to Residential School victims, how long does it take someone to "get over" these negative feelings?  Is it possible?

UNESCO Transatlantic Slave Trade: CLICK to read

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Day 25: Guest speaker

Thanks for the invite from the Interact Club to listen to guest speaker Alexa Loo.

This local Richmond, BC Winter Olympian competed in the 2006 and 2010 Olympics in snowboard racing.
Inspirational talk about all of the steps it took to realize her dream of becoming an Olympian.
Her road started in 1995 to try and make the Olympic team.

What was involved in training for the Olympics?  The difficulties of finding a sponsor.  Eventually lobbying for more money from the Federal Government to support Canadian athletes.

Being an Olympian is about inspiring others to dream/train to become an Olympian or to do something "big".  Laying "train tracks" for the next generation.

Keeping a positive mindset.  Keeping in mind the entire journey and the fact that she made the Olympics.


Maintaining focus.
Having belief in yourself.
Being accountable.
Having a goal.
Are you showing up everyday with that "attitude?"

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Day 24: Global Poverty

Wednesday, March 8th is International Women's Day.
Brainstorm: By increasing women's education how would this lead to an increase in living standards in an impoverished country?
Think about issues discussed last year in SS11.
Analyze the map assignment categories (ex. how would this lead to a decrease in HIV/AIDS? Decrease in fertility rate?)

International Women's Day website: CLICK to access
Outstanding Audi commercial from the 2017 Super Bowl: CLICK to watch

TED TALK: The Quest to End Poverty
CLICK to watch

Group 1: The story we tell about poverty isn't true.  Mia Birdsong
Group 2: Ending hunger now. Jose Sheeran
Group 3: Wiring a web or global good.  Gordon Brown
Group 4: We need $ for aid so lets print it.  Michael Metcalfe
Group 5: Beware fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming. Nick Hanauer
Group 6: The 6 killer apps of prosperity. Niall Ferguson

Analyzing an assigned TED TALK with group members.

For this week:
a) Volunteering presentation plan submitted on Thursday, March 9th
b) Map due Friday, March 10th
c) ***If leaving for the school trip, please see me for a copy of the map assignment for the Transatlantic Slave Trade (due when you get back after spring break).

Friday, 3 March 2017

Day 23: Current events and global poverty

Current events:

a) Racists jailed in Georgia: CLICK to read and watch

b) ABC's new documentary "When We Rise": CLICK to watch

Time to work on global poverty map.

Time to work on proposal

Day 22: Biography write

Biography write in class.

Time for Volunteering proposal.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Day 20: Global Citizen

What does it mean to be a Global Citizen?

Be ready for the biography write either tomorrow or Thursday.

Hugh Evans (CEO of Global Citizen).  CLICK to watch TED TALK

Final project outline.
An inspirational project example from 1st semester: CLICK to read

Think of ideas and bring them for next day.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Day 19: Poverty and Homelessness

Thank you to our guest speaker for the informative presentation on poverty and homelessness.

What are some thoughts about your field trip?
What did you see?  Stereotypes?

1 in 7 people in Canada live in poverty (4.9 million).
Poverty in Canada costs between $72 billion and $84 Billion annually.  Where does this money go?
Cost of living gone up.
More difficult to find housing for the poor.  Co-ops?  Seniors living?

Poverty affects marginalized groups (who are especially vulnerable?)  Persons living with disabilities, single mothers, Aboriginals (legacy where family system was broken - poverty high), elderly individuals, and racial communities.  Refugee community is high/growing. 

People living with disabilities are twice as likely to live below the poverty line.
Nearly 15% of people with disabilities live in poverty, 59% of which are women.

Women and children: 21% of single mothers in Canada raise their children while living in poverty.  Women who work full-time earn about 72 cents for every dollar earned by men.

Watching a CTV news clip on poverty in Attawapiskat: CLICK to watch

Working poverty a growing problem in Metro Vancouver.  CLICK to read and listen to podcast

What happens if those in poverty cannot afford medication that they need?
Common mental disorder are also more prevalent for people living in poor and over crowded housing .
In the past year, BC has been struggling with an epidemic of opiate drug use that has resulted in 161 deaths in the last month alone.  Opiates are highly addictive (emotionally, mentally, physically).  Fentanyl has surfaced as the most deadly opiate yet.

Downtown Eastside ER is ground zero for Fentanyl crisis.  CLICK to read and watch
This is a powerful video clip!

Article analysis: 7 groups.  Summarize on chart paper.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Day 18: Debate


Collected in Journal #2, and the paragraph about your beliefs regarding the DTES services (enabling or not?).

Review of the UN Human Development Index
a) Life expectancy @ birth
b) Adult literacy
c) GDP per capita

Map on analyzing stats.

Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Day 17: Field trip debrief and debate

Finishing off biography presentations.

Journal #2: field trip debrief sheet

Debate topic:

Many government resources and non-government organizations are setting up and providing resources in the DTES.  This is attracting more people down to this area.  There is debate as to whether having these services might be "enabling" (negative connotation) clientele.
For example, providing safe injection sites provides a safe place to do drugs.  But should resources be put towards this?  What is the cost to society if we did not have these services.

Argue:  are services in the DTES supporting those to "get back on track" or enabling those in the DTES to continue with poor choices/habits?

Create a two column chart

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Day 16: Fieldtrip

A very informative trip to the Downtown Eastside.

Thanks to the staff at Union Gospel Mission for hosting us.
Thank you to the generous donations by students and friends.

A big thanks to our VPD chaperones for our guided walk through the DTES...much to discuss tomorrow.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Day 15: Homelessness

Current events:
George Takei (Sulu from Star Trek) on Remembrance Day in the United States.  Relating internment during WW2 to the tone being set in the United States today.  CLICK to view/read

Do you agree?  Is this the same?

What are the effects of social isolation?  How would you feel if you were not connected to family?  Friends?
From the article, what are the effects of social isolation?  What does research tell us?
CLICK to read

Continue working on the Homelessness question package from last day (SFU): CLICK to read

Day 14: Biography presentations

Day 2 of biography presentations.

Well done, group!

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Day 12: Homelessness

Current events: Trump ban overturned and stayed by judges.  CLICK to watch and read
Saturday Night Live lampoon's Donald Trump's travel ban.  CLICK to watch

What is it like being homeless?
Brainstorm words that describe how people might feel.

What do you think "hidden poverty" means?
CLICK to watch a day in the life of a homeless family

Handout: Learning about homelessness in BC
CLICK to access document from SFU

Day 11: Homelessness and poverty

Current events: Greyhound bus killer gets unconditional discharge.  Agree/disagree?  CLICK to view

Biography presentations on Thursday/Friday.
Biography presentation rubric.

Fraser Institute: an intro to the state of poverty in Canada
CLICK to read

  1. Define Absolute vs. Relative poverty
  2. Definition of Low Income Cut-off (LICO)
  3. What are some trends happening with groups over the past 20 years.
  4. Page 20.  Who are the at-risk groups for persistent low income?
  5. Page 21.  Table 3.  What are the "At risk characteristics?"

Questions to answer

What do you know about the Downtown Eastside? CLICK to watch

The Downtown Eastside BEAT CLICK to watch

Friday, 10 February 2017

Day 10: In class assignment

In class assignment.

Field trip forms and $ due.

Aiming to fundraise for UGM's Coffee and Conversation Campaign prior to the field trip.
$3.50 provides a chance for people in need to connect with counsellors and have coffee and breakfast.

Have a great long weekend!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Day 9: Movie analysis

Continue to try and fundraise for Coffee and Conversation for our trip to Union Gospel Mission.
Please share the link with your friends/family/contacts.  CLICK TO ACCESS

Finished Zootopia.
In class analysis tomorrow.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Day 8: Movie analysis

Field trip forms in:

Link to fundraising for Coffee and Conversation at UGM.
Class goal of raising $140. Please share with your contacts.

Analysing Zootopia.
Choose 4 characters and 3 issues.

In class write for answers on Friday.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Day 7: Poverty

9 basic human needs.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Click on the powerpoint and copy the 9 basic human needs and Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Powerpoint: CLICK to view

Review the poverty cycle on page #347.  Looking at Figure 14-9.  How do you break the poverty cycle?

Article: How expensive is poverty in Canada?
CLICK to access
Students answer: What makes poverty so expensive?  Can you provide specific examples for the quote below.
"The cost of poverty – in health care, criminal justice, social services, lost productivity, lost opportunity – is a cost we cannot afford any longer.” Tony Martin, former MP

Analysing poverty in Canada vs developing countries.
COUNTERPOINTS.  Comparing poverty in Canada vs. other countries.
Read page 343-345.  Page 345 #4a, 4b

If time remaining in class, have a look at the SJ concepts and terms (on the back of the moral compass handout).
Define 5 terms that you do not know.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Day 6: Moral compass

Ice breaker activity.

Field trip $ and forms please.

Comparing Canadian's moral compass compared to our neighbours to the south.
CLICK to view

What are four stats that you find most surprising/interesting?
Why do you think this is the case?

Identify 9 basic human needs.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Day 5: Biography research project

Research on project.

Presentations due on Wednesday, February 15th

Field trip $ on Monday, please.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Day 4: Biography project

Biography research project.


Please make sure that you use properly reference your sources.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Day 3: How are your beliefs formed?

Review of terms: Bias. Stereotypes. Discrimination.

Handout: CLICK to view

Understanding unconscious bias: CLICK to watch

Journal rubric and participation rubric

Journal topic #1

What are my biases?  Examples of biases you might have.
How do they affect the way I see the world?

Where do my personal experiences and circumstances (ex. Age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, family, socio-conomic status) affect my perceptions

Handout: Biography assignment.

Johan Olav Koss: CLICK to watch the NBC special clip on this amazing person
CLICK to access Right To Play website

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Day 2: making change

Ice breaker activity: "Its Mutual"

SJ intro: Kahoot

Trump's travel ban discussion.  A look at some comments from NBA players.
Comment from Iranian American citizen: CLICK to watch
Comments from NBA players: CLICK to read
Comments from an NBA coach: CLICK to watch
Trump fires attorney general: CLICK to read

Relational attitudes.

How do we make change that is effective/lasting?
Why do we make change?

Dr. Brene Brown on empathy: CLICK to watch

Collect in any icebreaker questions that have not been completed.

Define: a) Bias, b) Prejudice, c) Discrimination, d) Stereotype

Bring field trip $ for tomorrow.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Day 1: Social Justice intro

Class outline: please have your parent/guardian read this over with you and sign it.

Field trip forms and $30 to be handed in ASAP.

Profile forms to be filled out and handed in.

Current events: Shooting at a Canadian Mosque.  Trump's travel ban in the US causes confusion.  Protesting the travel ban.  CLICK to watch

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Day 84: End of the semester

Some emotionally, powerful exit interviews today.


Congratulations on a great year overall.

Best wishes next semester.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Day 83: Final exit interviews

Some powerful reflections in todays interviews.

Such thoughtful reflection and analysis of course topics.

Excellent job!

More to come tomorrow.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Day 83: final wrap up

Teacher/course evaluation

Final presentation

Current event: the World marches to support womens rights CLICK to watch
Newstag: Womens march CLICK to march

Oral interviews begin tomorrow.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Day 82: Final project presentations

4) Salvation Army: Kettle campaign

5) Leave Out Violence (LOVE)

6) Richmond Food Bank

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Day 81: Final project presentations

Group 1: Downtown Eastside Women's Centre

Group 2: HOPE (International Development Agency)

Group 3: Project ABC (partnering with PATHWAYS Clubhouse and Covenant House)

Awesome job everyone!

Day 80: planet in peril

Students signed an academic honesty sheet regarding the dates on which they volunteered and the specific duties involved.

CNN's Planet in Peril trailer: CLICK to watch

CNN's Planet in Peril - a look at China CLICK to watch part 1.  CLICK to watch part 2

CNN's Planet in Peril - a look at shark finning CLICK to watch

Time to finalize your presentation for tomorrow

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Day 79: Final projects

Final projects due on Thursday/Friday this week.

Remember times for exit interviews next week.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Day 78: Consequences of social injustice

How does this lead to:
a) Environmental degradation
b) Species extinction

Plastic Island: CLICK to read/watch this CNN documentary

Species vanishing: CLICK to read/watch

Day 77: Debrief

Debrief of Oligopoly

How do the rich become richer?
Examples of regulations.  What was the result of you landing on this square?  Who benefits?
Examples of deregulations.  What was the result of you landing on this square?  Who benefits?  Who is harmed?

Criteria for volunteering presentation project.  Due on Thursday and Friday.

Final exit interviews next Tuesday, Jan 24th and Wednesday, Jan 25th.
10 minute interviews: you talking about what social justice means to you.  Incorporating a mix of ideas that you have learned and other points that you have researched.
a) Defining Social Justice
b) Recognizing and Analyzing Social Injustice
c) Moving toward a Socially Just World

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Day 76: Oligopoly

Board game:

  1. How do you become rich?  What are some factors that allowed you to become wealthy?
  2. Examples of REGULATIONS?  Who benefits?
  3. Examples of DEREGULATION?  Who benefits?  Who is harmed?
  4. What is community wealth?  Free trade zones?
Debrief tomorrow.

Day 75: Corporation continued

Watching portions of President Obama's farewell speech.
CLICK to watch
A reflection of social issues discussed this year.

What is a corporation?
How does a corporation demonstrate "psychopathic" tendencies.
A view of sweatshop conditions in developing nations.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Day 73 + 74: group presentations

Child Soldiers: Afghanistan

Child exploitation: Brazil

Child exploitation: Thailand

Child labour: Somalia

Child soldiers: Myanmar

Child labour: Eritrea

For your infographics make sure that these are not too reliant on text.  These should incorporate more visuals and be easy to read.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Day 72: Globalization

What is Globalization?  Watch "Globalization easily explained" CLICK to watch

Handout: Why is globalization so controversial

Crash Course: Globalization and Trade and Poverty CLICK to view

Analyzing The Corporation

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Day 71: project prep

Are you ready for Monday?

  • Rehearsed?  Know your material without the use of notes?
  • Timed?
  • Evenly distributed parts?
  • Visuals?
  • Infographic?
  • Video clip (timed?)
  • Responsible for individual/group parts of the assignment?
  • Detailed assessment - personal contribution to the project?
Please arrive before the start of class to load your assignment.
Or email the updated link to your Google Slides assignment if you have not already done so.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Day 70: Government interests

Key dates:

Group presentations: Monday, January 9th and Tuesday, January 10th.

Volunteer Presentation: Thursday, January 19th and Friday, January 20th.

13th: interesting thought about government: in the USA a look at the privatization of prison systems.  Reaping huge benefits - jailing more people.  Corporation influencing legislation.
Privatizing corrections facilities (food/phones/healthcare contracts)/probation (ex. making $ off of GPS monitors)/parole.  Inmate labour - slave labour (prison industries).
Time to end mass incarceration - how do reform the justice system?

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Day 69: Government interests - who do they look after?

Project presentations on Monday, January 9th.
Time in class to work this Thursday.

13th: How are politics used to create social injustice?
Three interesting ideas discussed/proposed in the documentary?

Day 68: Day before the break

Breakfast with Santa this morning.

Time to work on your project.

Day 65: Infographics

How to create infographics.
Using canva.com

Purpose of infographics.
Examples of different infographics: CLICK to view