Thursday, 14 March 2013

Thursday enjoy Spring Break!

Current events reading comprehension assignment: "A Historic Wynne"

Current events: CTVnews coverage of the naming of the new Pope.

Review of Napoleon's military strengths and strategy.

Handout: Napoleon and Europe (Pg 104) - we will continue with this in April.

Watched the Tiananmen Square massacre and the attempts at a revolution against the Chinese government.

Have a fantastic Spring Break!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Wednesday, March 13th

Current events: New pope elected.

DVD: Napoleon (Biography)
a) at whag age did he become an officer?
b) Battles involved in?
c) Meteoric rise to power
d) Relationship with Josephine
e) How was he "greater than just a conqueror?"

Political Cartoon - China censorship of Google (Tiananment Square).
What is political cartoon?  What are some techniques used by political cartoon artists?
Read 102/03 and answer the overhead questions regarding censorship.

Youtube video: Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Rainy Tuesday morning

Continued with group work from yesterday.  Groups created a summary statement for their section.  Review of Napoleon's early years (pg 94-97)

Handout: Napoleon, his success and failures (pg 98-101)

Current events: Harlem Shake as a form of protest/revolution in the Middle East
                     : New York City's ban on certain sized soft drinks is overturned by a judge (gov't control)

Monday, 11 March 2013

Monday afternoon

Discussed Friday's activity in the computer lab which looked at Egypt's 18 day revolution in 2011.

We then watched a video on Tunisia, which set off the flames and started the Arab Spring revolutions.

Moving onto Napoleon - watching "Napoleon Bunnyparte".

Finishing the class with a group - carousel activity looking at the initial information about Napoleon's life (pg 94-97)

Friday, 8 March 2013

Final Friday before Spring break

Handed back assignments at the start of class - if you are missing any assignments please hand them in on Monday.

French Revolution jellybean simulation: King, Nobles and Peasants.

Library online research: looking at Egypt's 18 day revolution (Arab Spring).

Reminder that we are NOT doing the French Revolution project. 
Napoleon begins next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Thursday morning

Current events: The death of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.  Looking at his leadership ideology and his impact on the world stage.

Completed the Self/Group evaluation for the skits.  Discussed what it means to work well in a group:
  • Leader(s) selected?
  • Deadlines met
  • Specific roles assigned
  • Taking an active vs. passive role during brainstorming/script writing/rehearsal
  • Communication with group members (phone/email)
Watched the French Revolution DVD - looking at the Reign of Terror under Robespierre and the end of the bloody beheadings when he was later sent to the Guillotine.

Handed out the final assignment for review.  Please take this home and think about which option you will choose.  Open book/notes.  In-class write over the next two classes.

Only one week till Spring Break!  Keep working hard, class.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Wednesday Oscar performances

Outstanding, hilarious, entertaining French Revolution skits today!

Bravo, class!

We will continue filling in our individual/group self evaluation sheets tomorrow.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

One more day until you act....

Read together the Reign of Terror: during this period, many harsh laws were passed by the revolutionary government to intimidate or eliminate anyone who disagreed with the radical Jacobins.

Lots of beheadings during the Reign of Terror.  Danton in 1794.  Robespierre ruled France with the powers of a dictator.

Watched the DVD "The French Revolution."  Looked at two episodes, the "Death of a king" and "Noble Blood."  We saw King Louis and Marie Antoinette both go on trial and eventually sent to the guillotine.  The revolution continued to get bloodier with the death of Marat and the role of Robespierre.

"Revolutions cannot be made with rosewater".

Performances tomorrow!  Looking forward to fantastic group skits.

Monday, March 4

French Revolution Quiz.

Finished discussing and writing notes on the End of the Monarchy.

Working on French Revolution skits.  Group presentations on Wednesday.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Friday, finally!

"A revolution devours its own children" (pg 80-83).

A look at the political clubs in France, and a a look at where they are on the Political Spectrum

Notes on leaders of the revolution: Marat, Danton, and Robsepierre.

Also a look at the Revolutionary Wars.

Time to work on your group skits.  Looking forward to fantastic performances on TUESDAY.

QUIZ on Monday up to Page 77,