Friday, 30 May 2014

Day 68: Cold war oral exam and debate prep

Mind maps due.
Groups of 3 for the oral exam on the Cold War

Debate preparation (see rubric - For/Against column with minimum of 6 points per side) due on Tuesday.
Topic: Are weapons of mass destruction ever justified?
Read Pg 150/151.
Please use any examples of conflict from 1914 to today, to help back your opinion on whether use of these weapons is necessary.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Day 67: Quebec Nationalism

Cold War mind map and oral quiz tomorrow.

Current events: Google car.  Do you think you will see these on the streets of Richmond in the future?

Review sheet: Economic issues (Social welfare: Canada Pension Plan, Medical Care Act, Economic Challenges - OPEC embargo, Regionalism, Trudeau expanding horizons and increasing international profile)

CPH: "Boom" (Alberta oil sands and Kitimat, BC aluminum smelters)

Discussion on Quebec Nationalism.  Sovereignty movement.
Quebec Nationalism notes: Click to PRINT

Read PAGES 262 - 264 (Mulroney and the constitution, Meech Lake Accord, Charlottetown Accord, Referendum of 1995)

Handout: Quebec Nationalism

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Day 66: Sports and Politics, and Economic issues during the Cold War

Current events: a look at BCTF rotating strikes.  What this means and how this affects everyone

MC review questions on the Cold War

Powerpoint: Examples of the relationship between sports and politics

Handout: Economic issues

Mind map due on Friday: "Discuss Canada's role during the Cold War between 1945 - 1989"
Oral exam pullout on Friday.

Day 64: Canada during the Cold War

Review of Canada's policy during the Cold War

CPH: "Shadow of Nuclear War"  (NORAD, Avro Arrow, Voice of Women, Cuban Missile Crisis, Pearson as PM)

Pg 232/233 - Should Canada's foreign policy be independent of the US?
Pg 234 - 237.  Questions #1-5

Handout: Ch. 6 - A new era of International Action
  • Key ideas include:
    • What was Canada's response to modern conflicts?
    • Describe Canada's involvement in the UN
    • What was Canada's involvement in the Cold War?
  • Canada's Concerns (Pg 271)
  • End of the Cold War (272/273)
  • Peace keeping: A Tradition in Peril? (274)
Answer questions #1,3,4,6 (pg 279)

Friday, 23 May 2014

Day 63: Canada's involvement during the Cold War

Current events: 100 years ago today - Komagata Maru
                       : BCTF phase 2.  What does this mean?

Hand back and review WW2 test.

Review of the Korean War and the Suez Canal crisis.

Watch CPH: "Seeing Red" (Lester Pearson, Cold War, Korean War, Red Scare)
                   : "On Guard for Thee" (Suez Crisis, US Military Presence.  Pearson and the UN.
                      "Cold War"

Notes: Canada's Foreign Policy during the Cold War
Read pages 234/235 (correspond to the notes)

Handout: Complete the back of the sheet regarding Post-War Prosperity/Canadian Prime Minsiters

A fun look back to my childhood of WWF storylines related to the Cold War Politics (Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Shiek/Nikolai Volkov)

Day 62: Cold War begins

Crash course: Cold War (12:15)

Begin at Pg 190.  "Cold War and Post War Diplomacy"

Cold war notes

CPH: Opening vignette (Gouzenko).  Looking at spying.  Relate to current events in the USA: NSA and Edward Snowden (granted Asylum in Russia).  Cold War adversaries?  Should government have the capability to watch over your emails/listen to your calls?

Handout: Not So Cold Wars.  Make notes on:
  • Korean War
  • Suez Canal Crisis
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Vietnam War

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Day 61: UN and Canada from 1940-2000s

Finished Life is Beautiful.  Debrief.

Notes on the United Nations.

Handout: Canada from 1940-2000s (Overview of topics and terms from Chapters 6, 7, 8)

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Day 60: WW2 movie and Canada in the Post-War years

Life is Beautiful

Read on your own:  Chapter 6.  Pg 168 - 179.  Know the answers to Q #1,2,3 (pg 178)

Please print (or copy) the following notes on the United Nations:LINK

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Day 58 & 59: Atomic bomb and Test

CPh: War Machine.  Review of impact on the Canadian economy

Pg 149 - Japan Surrenders

CPH: Sacrifice and Secrets.  Secret mining of uranium in Northern Canada, for use in testing and building the Atomic bomb.

CPH: Price of Victory.

Read pg 150-51: Are weapons of mass destruction ever justified?

Review: Jeopardy.

Thursday:  Wrote the test

Have a great long weekend.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 57: Holocaust and the War at home

Pg 147/48:  Battle of the Schedult.  Battle of the Rhineland.  Liberating the Netherlands.  VE Day (Victory in Europe)

Pg. 152: Crimes against humanity.

Youtube: Looking at clips of WW2 and the Holocaust

Handout: The War at Home.
Read pages 153 to 159. 

Compare this to the War on the homefront during WWI.

CPH: "A rip in the fabric"  (Conscription issue, national plebiscite on conscription, Quebec riot)

CPH: "Of elephants and chickens" (War time economy, CCF and Tommy Douglas, plans for postwar reconstruction)

Monday, 12 May 2014

Day 56: Dieppe, Italian Campaign and D-Day

Review: 5 MC questions.

Current events: Voting irregularities in Ukraine, and escapee speaks out from her ordeal with Boko Haram.

Handout: Dieppe, Italian Campaign and Crimes against humanity

CPH: "Dieppe" (7 min)
CPH: "On the attack" (Airforce/bombing/Italian Campaign & Ortona)

Read page 146-48.  D-Day.  Beaches of Normandy.  Different beaches that the allied forces attacked (Canada stormed Juno Beach).

Clip: showing troops storming Omaha Beach (Normandy).

Friday, 9 May 2014

Day 55: War in the Atlantic and Pacific

Review of topics from yesterday.

Hitler breaking the non-aggression pact: Operation Barbarossa

Canada's contribution to the Battle in the Atlantic and the battle in the air.

CPH: "A miserable, rotten, hopeless life"

War in the Pacific: Japan bombing Pearl Harbour.
Attack on Hong Kong.
US entering the war

CPH: "The dispossessed"

In-class debate: Arguing FOR/AGAINST internment of Japanese Canadians.

Study for the WW2 test on THURSDAY, MAY 15th

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Day 54: Axis advances and different battles

Current events: Kidnapped girls in Nigeria (Boko Haram).
What do you think the world response should be? 

Handout: Axis advances (reading and questions from Pg 133 - 139)
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Dunkirk
  • Battle of Britain
  • North-African campaign
  • Operation Barbarossa
  • War in the Pacific
  • Battle of Hong Kong
  • Battle of the Atlantic
  • War in the air
Read case study on pg 157. Japanese Canadians sent to internment camps.

Debate prep tomorrow.

WW2 TEST next Thursday, May 15th

Day 53: Canada's response to war and total war policy

Review of causes of WW2 (yesterday notes/link to print out)

CPH: "Mr. King Goes to Berlin"  Looking at Spain, Fascism, and King's visit to Hitler.

Questions (Handout) for Canada's response to the threat of War (Pg 127-129)

CPH: "Our only hope is Canada"  Looking at Nazism, Senator Cairine Wilson lobbies for refugees, immigration policy and Frederick Blair

OH Notes: Canada's total war policy.

Read pg 130-132.  Questions #1-4

CPH: "Canada goes to war"  (Germany invades Poland, Phony War 1939-40, voluntary enlistment in Canada)

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Day 52: Causes of WW 2 and a look Hitler's rise

Link to notes: Causes of WW2

OH Notes: Some facts about Hitler
Video: The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

Read pages 120 - 126.
Answer questions #2,3 on pg126.

HW: maps of Europe/Asia/Africa

Europe: Look at Fig 5-7 and map the countries/areas affected by Hitler's aggression

Asia: Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Philippines

Africa: Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Italy (attacking Abyssinia), Somalia (horn of Africa)

Monday, 5 May 2014

Day 51: Japanese atrocities

Read page 114/115: Depression and Global Politics

Japanese aggression: Invasion of Manchuria in 1931 (Biography clip.  2 minutes)

Powerpoint presentation on Japanese aggression prior to WW2.

Youtube: "The Forgotten Truth" (Massacre of Nanking).

Handout: Intro to WW2, and definitions

Day 50: wrapping up the 1920s/30s

Chapter 3/4 multiple choice open book assignment.  /26 marks

Home work:  Read page 106/107 and 110.
Answer questions 2,4 (page 110)

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Day 47 to 49: Projects and solutions to the depression

1920s/30s projects.

Way to go everyone.  We had some fantastic projects, and a magical recreation of a dining/cabaret experience in the 1920s.

Infographic: Great depression vs Great recession
Youtube: Watched "Crash Course" session on the Great Depression.

Overhead: Solutions to the Depression: Link to print

Answer questions #1,3 on page 104

Inclass assignment tomorrow: open textbook and notes