Thursday, 30 October 2014

Day 26: Foreign Aid. Environment: our challenges and responsibilities

Went over the worksheet yesterday on a) measuring poverty, b) the poverty trap, c) helping to improve standards of living

In class write: The poverty cycle.  If you were given money to invest in a developing country, where would you intervene in order to try and break the cycle of poverty?
(5 marks)

Foreign aid.  CIDA.  Tied Aid.  Bilateral Aid

Ted Talks: LINK
We watched Simon Moss' presentation titled "Africa is poor and 5 other myths"  LINK
Very interesting!

Chapter 13 worksheet on the global environment.
Key topics such as:
  • stewardship
  • carrying capacity
  • biosphere
  • deforestation
Please have this completed for next week when we discuss provincial exam essay questions.

Hopefully we will see some awesome costumes tomorrow for Halloween.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Day 25: Measuring poverty and the poverty trap

Project feedback.  Work better and smarter.  Know what is going onto your slides

Geography Review Questions

Finished Mexico City video on population pressure

Youtube: What do you know about the downtown Eastside Link

Measuring poverty worksheet

Quiz on Friday and finalizing your project.

Please email me if you would like a copy of the worksheet.  If not, please pick it up tomorrow in class.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Day 24: Living standards and measuring development

If you were to go into a developing country what would you do to increase the living standards in that country?  Rank in order of priority (Health, Education, Food, Clothing, Shelter).  Why did you rank in this order?

Youtube clip: Top 10 Highly Developed Countries in 2013 (how many can you name?)
What do you notice from the photos?  What similarities do they share?  What makes them a highly developed country.

Top students with 7 correct guesses.  Way to go.

Youtube clip: Top 10 Worlds Poorest Countries in 2013 (how many can you name?)
What do you notice from the photos?  How do these differ from the photos of developed countries? 

Handout on population density (Physical and human factors). 
United Nations Human Development Index looks at 3 factors to determine standard of living:
  • Life Expectancy at Birth
  • Adult Literacy Rate
  • GDP per Capita
Video: Mexico City (population pressure)  Answer the questions

Geo quiz on Friday.  Then time for project rehearsal.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Day 23: Impact of changes in global population

Handed back and went over the government unit test.

Excellent of overview of Me to We Day.  Thanks for sharing!

Population control - a look at China and India.
Youtube clip: Social Impact of One Child Policy Click to watch

Handout: Impact of Changes in Global Population (only do the concern/problem)
              : Chapter 11 guiding questions.

Answer key: Click here

Please continue working on your presentations.  Group rehearsal time for Thursday morning.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Day 22: Terrorist attack on Ottawa

Current events: watched news on the terrorist attack on Ottawa yesterday.

A tragic day in Canadian history.  A loss of innocence.
Watched PM Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau's response to yesterday's events.

Research in the library.  Meet with your groups and assign responsibilities.  Develop deadlines for sending each other material.

Final class time for rehearsal will be next Thursday.  Use that time wisely.

Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Day 21: population pyramids

Current events: Ottawa shooting

Review of Demographic Transition Model and worksheet on Population pyramids.

Meeting with groups regarding Global Issues project.
Presentation dates: Monday, November 3rd and Tuesday, November 4th
Class time for rehearsal: Thursday, October 30th.
Develop your plan:
  • Interesting way to intro your topic?
  • Body and conclusion?
  • Use of images and analysis of stats and graphs
  • Divide your topics and assign responsibilities
  • Set deadline for getting information/slides to one another
  • When will you meet and compile information
  • Continue to track how your group is working (handout on group work habits)
For Monday:
Pg 372 - #1-5

Read pg 368.  China population control

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Day 20: Researching global issues

Researching topics for our global issues presentations

Research engines that the librarian discussed:
  1. INFOTRAC (you can create a folder on the site and save your info).  You can also find images/videos/audio/statistics
  2. ALMANAC - CIA factbook.  Great for statistics
If researching from home you can access the school library (do a search and the school library should be easy to find)

Looking forward to interesting presentations.

Day 19: Government unit test

Government mind maps due

Test today.

When done, please complete that handout from yesterday on population pyramid (pg. 366)

Meet directly at the library computer lab tomorrow morning.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Day 18: Developing vs. Developed nations

Developed vs. Developing Countries

Pg. 364 #1,2,4,5

Group: picking topics for presentations
  • Climate change
  • Child labour
  • HIV/Aids
  • Human Rights
  • Child Soldiers
  • Primary education/literacy
  • Poverty
Handout: Life expectancy/demographic transition model (p. 365-367)

Government test on Monday.  Mind map due.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Day 17: Geography map

Current event: Ebola news

Victoria trip: a look at the duties of MLAs and a look at the legislative building in Victoria.

World Map.

Government and Human Rights test on Monday, October 20th.

Mind map due on Monday, too.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Day 16: Review and intro to Human Geography

Collect journal write on how to improve the criminal justice system.

Go over human rights pg. 348 #8.

Review of government: Jeopardy

Handout: Government Review Questions

Geography Project Handout: Global Issues Conference

Intro to Human Geography unit: Chapters 11-13

Youtube: 7 billion so fast (increasing population)

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Day 15: Criminal Justice System

Right to die?  A look at the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Article: Courts tackle fundamental question of death.
           : Case may make MD's reluctant to intervene

Youtube clip: Dr. Oz.  Right to die debate

Article: Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.  David Milgaard
Retribution or Rehabilitation.

Youtube: Interview with Paula Todd on Karla Homolka.

OH: "Man not responsible for death of two in Maple Ridge"

Handout: improving the criminal justice system

Journal: How do you improve the criminal justice system?  Is it possible to improve it?

Friday, 10 October 2014

Day 14: Criminal vs. Civil law. Youth Criminal Justice Act

Handed back Bill assignment.

Criminal law vs. Civil law.  Went over the sheet from yesterday.

Youtube: Youth Criminal Justice Act.  What is it about?

Group reading: Articles on youth offenders.

Do you believe in retribution or rehabilitation? 

Handout: Ch. 9 review sheet.

Government unit test on Monday, October 20th.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!  Gobble gobble

Day 13: Canada's legal system

Political assignment due today.
Oral interviews - overall, well done.

Handout on Canada's legal system and human rights (335-347)

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Day 12: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Political assignment due tomorrow.
Oral interviews tomorrow.

Hand back human rights notes/write ups from yesterday.

  • Child labour in the Phillippines
  • Aung San Suu Kyi
  • Malala Yousefzai
View the evolution of HR in Canada

Read p. 330-335.  Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
a) which set of rights is most important aspect to you?  Why?  HAND IN
b) What is the Notwithstanding clause.  #3.  Pg 331
c) Critical Thinking #8 (pg 348/49).  Discuss with partner/3s.  Which cases are considered a violation of human rights?

Day 11: Human rights abuse

Research in the library:

  • Child labour
  • Dalai Lama
  • Aung San Suu Kyi
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Cambodian Genocide
  • Rwandan or Darfur genocide
  • Human trafficking

Monday, 6 October 2014

Day 10: Human Rights

Current events: Canada's involvement in the battle against ISIS

Review crossword answer key
P. 303 - The ideal senator: Romeo Dallaire
Look at a political cartoon on the Senate.

How do you define Human Rights?
What do we mean by HR violations:

Clip: Brief History of Human Rights

Start Ch. 10
Questions #4/5 (326)
Read 327 - do you think universal standards are possible?
Read 328 - what are the Bill of Rights?

Day 9: Analyzing political cartoons and looking at the Senat

Government quiz

How to analyze a political cartoon.

News clips of Canada's senate scandal.

Read handout on Senate reform.
Triple E.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Day 8: Private members bill presentation

Fantastic job on your presentations today!

Handout: Government Voting assignment.  Do part A only.
Familiarize yourself with the different Federal party websites tonight (Conservative, NDP, Liberal, Green).  Find the platforms.

Quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Day 7: Election process and voter apathy

Examples of MC questions from the Provincial Exam.

Steps to calling an election.  Pg 313 - 318.
Handout: Voting procedures

Preparation for tomorrows Private Members Bill assignment.  
Typed paragraph.  Aim to present for 60 seconds.

Voter apathy (316) and case study on compulsory voting in Australia (318-319).

Youtube clips: Compulsory voting in Australia. Another clip on low voter turnout in the Toronto elections and what can be done to combat voter apathy.

JOURNAL WRITE: What do you think should be done to increase voter turnout?  Do you think it is important/not important to vote?

Day 6: Passing legislation and Minority vs Majority gov

Current events: a look at the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong.  Also a look back at the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Read Page 309-311.
Pg 309 #2,4
Pg 311 #1-3

Time to brainstorm and write your private members bill for presentation on Thursday.

Quiz on Friday: Pages 290-301.  Political ideologies/parties.  Political spectrum (Fig 9-11).  Influencing government.