Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Day 44: Causes and effects of the Great Depression

Pop quiz: did you do your HW from yesterday?

Go over the cause of the housing crisis (2008)

Crash Course (John Green): The Great Depression (a great description of what happened in the US - this was felt world wide) Click to watch

Read the effects of the great depression.  How did it affect people in Canada?
Read pages 94-100.
Answer #1, 2a, 3, 6 on page 100.
  • Prairie drought
  • Unemploymenet
  • Pogey
  • Riding the rails
  • Disadvantaged (immigrants, Aboriginals)
  • Women in the 1930s
Handout: 1920s change/Solutions for the Great Depression.

For MONDAY read pages 101-104.
Answer #1, pg 104 (add to the photocopied notes).

CPH: "Descent into chaos" (a look at how Canadians were affected)

REMINDER of project presentations on December 3/4

Day 43: 1920/1930s

Current events: Ferguson, Missouri

Went over worksheet from yesterday

A fun look at 1920s slang

CPH: At the mercy of our neighbours (US influence on Canada)

Begin the Great Depression worksheet (causes of the Great Depression.  Pg. 90-93)

Reminder: WWI test on Thursday.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Day 42: Winnipeg general strike

Review of worksheet last day.
Branch plants.
Worker unrest - unions

CPH: Winnipeg General Strike

Handout: Economic cycles (recession, recovery, prosperity, depression)

Who are you most influenced by?  (US/Canada/other?)

Back of the handout: Changes in Canada in the 1920s.
Answer key to changes in WWI: CLICK HERE

Day 41: Wrapping up WWI

Peer and self evaluation for Geography in class essays.
Understanding what the rubric is asking for and how to do well on the exam.

Went over OH notes on "How it all went down"
End of WWI pg. 52-57.

CPH: "A painful peace" 

Went over the review worksheet

HW: Ch 3 sheet:  Postwar blues and Growing independence

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Day 40: In class essay (Human Geography question)

Reminder that you are required to write in pen for the provincial exam essay question.

Aim for 5 paragraphs:

Introduction (include a thesis)
Body paragraph 1: aim for your topic sentence to guide the paragraph
Body paragraph 2:  "
Body paragraph 3: "

Good luck.

Chapter 3 and 4 definitions: CLICK HERE

WWI review sheets for homework.

Day 39: Research for 1920/1930s project

Research in the library.

Think about how you will present your topic.
Interesting?  Fun?  Engaging for the audience?

No use of Powerpoint/Prezi for the project.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Day 38: Conscription crisis

Pop quiz

CPH: City of Sorrow.  Halifax explosion.
Impact of the war on Canadian soil.  Canada's involvement in the Battle of the Atlantic.  Convoys.  German U-boats (pg 44)

Impact of Conscription on Canadian Unity.
Pg 49-51.
Answer Questions #1 and 4 on page 51.
Do you think that Canada should have compulsory enlistment in the military?  Why/why not?

CPH: A Broken Promise.  A look at how divisive this political decision is.

Please print out and read the notes from yesterday regarding wrapping up the war.

Meet directly in the computer lab tomorrow.

In-class essay on Thursday.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Day 37: Impact of war on the home front

POP QUIZ tomorrow: 5-7 marks

Current events: Municipal elections this past weekend.  Voter turnout

CPH: Vimy Ridge.  A turning point in the development of Canadian Identity

Read pg 39-47.  Do questions #2,3,4

Notes: A Domestic look
  • War Measures Act, 1914.  PM Borden was the first Canadian PM to use the War Measures Act.  What was the purpose and who did it affect?
  • How Canada paid for the war.
  • Women put to work
Handout: 1920s/30s project (presentation dates on December 3/4). 

Library computer lab for research on Wednesday, November 19th.
In class essay write now on THURSDAY, November 20th.

Notes printout for next day:  CLICK HERE

Friday, 14 November 2014

Day 36: Ypres, Passchendaele, Somme, Vimy Ridge

Review of yesterday's material
Map: Western front stalemate.  Blitzkrieg

Notes on the 4 battles.

CPH: "Go out and meet death bravely" (battles)

Read page 36-39.  Add notes on the battles. 
Answer #4, Pg 39.

Clips from All Quiet on the Western Front.
A loss of innocence and the realities of war.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Day 35: Canada mobilizing for war

Geography in class essay next Wednesday, November 19th
Create an outline on the three assigned topics.
Focus on the following:
  • Intro paragraph (includes a thesis statement)
  • Body paragraph 1 (include a topic sentence and your arguements/facts)
  • Body paragraph 2
  • Body paragraph 3
  • Conclusion
Review from yesterday:  Causes of the War.  Alliances.  Trigger to WW1

CPH: Episode beginning
  • What did Canadians expect war to be like?
  • What is propaganda?  How was it used?
  • How is Canada contributing to the war effort?
  • How did French Canadians react to the war?
Handout: Read and answer questions on pages 32 - 35.  Also complete the map on the back for Europe 1914.

CPH: "Our Investment of Blood"
  • Role of women in the war @ home/overseas
  • Suffrage movement (gained the right to vote Federally in 1918 - except Quebec)
  • Prohibition

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Day 34: Causes of WWI and Canada's early involvement

Collect in Blood Diamond assignment.

In class essay (Provincial exam prep) next Wednesday, November 19th.

WWI simulation: War or Peace

Crash Course on WWI (John Green clip): CLICK to view

CPH clip: "it will be a terrible war"

Notes: Causes of WWI notes - PLEASE PRINT

Handout: Chapter 2 definitions

Read page 26-30.  Answer #1,2 on page 30.
  • Imperialism and the age of empires
  • increased militarism
  • role of Balkans
  • False security of alliances
  • threat of nationalism
  • chain reaction
  • interpret political cartoon on page 31

Monday, 10 November 2014

Day 33: Guest speaker

Fantastic presentation by guest speaker: Captain Dean Pilkey.

Topics included:

  • Peace Psychology
  • A day in the life of his job - what he did Kandahar, Afghanistan
Assignments on Blood Diamond analysis due Wednesday.

Quiz re-take on Wednesday at lunch.

Day 31 & 32: Movie analysis and assignment

Watched Blood Diamond.

Fantastic movie.

Assignment: Due Wednesday, November 12th
Causes, Effects, Solutions - making connections to the movie.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Day 30: Provincial Exam essay prep

Hand back Geography quiz /10 marks

Re-quiz (8 multiple choice questions) will be next Wednesday, November 12th at lunch (1:00pm). 

Handout: Thesis practice.

Handout: Suggested questions and topic for the provincial exam essay section

Group work: developing ideas for your selected provincial exam topic.  Aiming to develop a these sentence, and topic sentences for three body paragraphs
  • Describe some realistic strategies that would enable developing countries to improve their standards of living
  • Describe realistic strategies that Canadians could take to reduce their negative impact on land, water and the atmosphere
  •  Explain the political, economic and social factors that prevent some developing countries from improving their standards of living
  • Analyze the global threats to humans being caused by population growth
  • Compare the reasons for Canada's standard of living with those of a developing nation
  • "The greatest tragedy in the world today is the gap between rich and poor."  Evaluate this statement
CLICK HERE for the example outlines that were developed in class.  Review and add in your own points.

Handout: Blood Diamond assignment.

Day 29: Presentations

  1. HIV/Aids
  2. Climate Change
  3. Primary education/literacy

The challenge with this project is:
a) making time to work together
b) comprehending the material and then condensing it into a 6-12 minute presentation

There were some groups who had some difficulties in their presentation.
Hopefully each person was reflective in his/her self assessment, and will use this as a learning tool for future group projects.

Overall good work by the entire class.

Day 28: Geography presentations

  1. Child labour
  2. Poverty
  3. Human Rights
  4. Child Soldiers
Well done!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Day 27: quiz and preparing for presentations

Geography quiz.

Final day to prepare for your groups.

Each group is required to submit a typed copy of the presentation plan.
This plan will indicate what each person is going over and the time length that each person will be speaking.  Parts will be rehearsed and the stated time estimation should be almost on par with your actual presentation.

All notes and material will be collected on Monday.

Happy Halloween everyone!
Be safe.