Friday, 30 October 2015

Day 35: Environmental issues

Click to watch a clip about Malala Yousefzai

Review of Chapter 12 - poverty.  HIPC.  World bank/IMF.  Bilateral aid.  Tied aid.

Environmental issues

Click to watch the CNN trailer to Planet in Peril

Click to watch Planet in Peril: shark finning
  • supply and demand as population grows
  • affecting one part of the ecosystem will have an effect on a different part of the ecosystem (ex. cutting down trees - global warming.  Killing sharks - affecting the numbers of other species)
  • Government regulation regulation/deregulation.  (ex. setting standards of factory pollution into the air or water - if no regulations then what are the affects on the surrounding environment/wildlife/plant species/people/etc)
Handout: on Chapter 13 environment (What is global warming.  What governments can do around the world to decrease global warming.  Kyoto protocol)

Read page 418/419 - Do you think that Canadians should link foreign aid to human rights?

Do questions on page 420/421.  #5,7.9.10

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Day 34: Globalization

Playing a simulation game: Oligopoly.

How does this relate to Globalization and global wealth.
Distribution of wealth
Owning a monopoly in a sector

Day 33: Poverty cycle

Returned Geography quizzes - need to be more specific with your answers.  Provide examples to demonstrate further understanding of the topics

Debriefed article from last day on court ruling that homeless people can camp on public property.

TED Talk: Africa is poor and 5 other myths (by Simon Moss)
Click to watch
Summarize a key thought regarding each myth (1/2 sentences)

Handout: Poverty cycle (5 marks - in class write)

For Friday - Read "Kenya: trapped in poverty" on page 398/99
Answer questions #1,3,4

Have a fantastic field trip tomorrow!

Day 32: Global Issues conference presentations

5. Child Labour
6. Refugees
7. Human Trafficking
8. Child Soldiers

HANDOUT: Examples of possible provincial exam essay questions

Well done today.

Please send me links to your presentations please.
And include login information.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Day 31: Global Issus Conference presentations

Group presentation topics:
  1. Primary education and literacy
  2. Climate change
  3. Human Rights
  4. Poverty

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Day 30: Quiz and poverty in BC

Quiz on Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 (up to p. 395)

A look at Insite (safe injection site): Click to watch

CNN International also produced a segment on this safe injection site: Click to watch

What are your thoughts about the safe injection site?
Do you agree/disagree with this?
What is this helping to prevent?
What else can be done to combat the various struggles of the homeless?

Article: Court rules homeless have the right to camp on public land Click to read

Please read and comment on the following questions:
  • Do you agree with the court's decision?
  • What/how are different municipalities handling the homeless population?  (What are some different agencies involved?)

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Day 29: Measuring poverty and the poverty trap

Projects due on Monday: Discussion on group and individual responsibilities. 

Did you delegate responsibilities?  Did your group members meet time lines?
Be respectful of group members' time.  If your group member is not doing his or her share of work then please speak to me.  Don't reward a group member by doing extra work and completing work for him/her. 

Debrief Mexico City video yesterday. 
Main ideas include:
  • Push and pull factors
  • problems associated with increasing population in cities
  • connection between work-children-school
  • living conditions of the poor
  • urban problems (city development, roads, air quality, garbage disposal, water quality)
Click to watch a clip of water pollution in Rio leading up to the 2016 olympics

Handout: Measuring poverty (394/395) (World Bank.  Human poverty index)

Poverty Trap (pg. 396/97): IMF.  World Bank.  PECD.  Cycle of debt.  Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC).  Bilateral aid

Helping to improve living standards (413-417):
 A look at the problems in Vancouver's downtown Eastside: Click to watch

The Province's look at the Downtown Eastside

Harsh reality of the Downtown Eastside (Watch from 2-4 minute mark): Click to watch

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Day 28: Population pressure and living standards

A look at the original Trudeaumania:Click to watch

A look at the election results: Click to watch CTV coverage

Handout: Review multiple choice sheet
Went over the worksheet from yesterday.

Does Canada have a responsibility to the nations at the bottom of the HDI?
Do you think companies have a social responsibility to increase wages of factory workers in developing countries?
Click to watch a clip on Factory and Minimum Wages in Developing Countries

Mexico City: Population pressure

Quiz on Thursday, October 22nd (Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 - up to pg. 395)

Monday, 19 October 2015

Day 27: Population pressure and standards of living

Oral interview marks handed back.  If you want to improve your mark please see me to re do.

Population density: Why do people gather in specific areas (why do they move away/to a location)?  Why did cities emerge where they did in history?
Looking at Figure 11-27 on page 382.  Human and physical factors.

Click to watch: John Green - Crash Course on Population (Malthusian theory)

Read page 378/79.  Analyze the political cartoon.  What is it saying?
Answer Q#1 and #3 (which point of view do you agree with and why?)

If you were to go into a developing country to increase the standard of living, prioritize the following:
Health.  Education.  Clothing.  Housing.  Food.  Jobs.
How did you rank these and why?

Handout: Chapter 12 Standards of living

Watch the election results tonight.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Day 26: Population control.

Watch current events: Blue Jays win and unite a nation

What are the top 10 most developed countries (UN development index) in 2014/15? Click to watch

A look at a Ted-Ed lesson on population pyramids: Click to watch

Relating the demographic transition model to population pyramids.  How do we analyze these?  What are the connections? 
Looking at an example from the Provincial Exam: Click to see

Pg 368/369: Population control in India and China.
Click to watch a segment on the "Unexpected consequences of the One Child Policy"
Looking at current day policy.

Handout: Chapter 11 Guiding questions. 

Quiz: Thursday, October 22nd.  Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 (up to page 395)

Global Issues conference presentations: Monday, October 26th and Tuesday 27th

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Day 25: Oral interviews and Canada's population

Pg 374.  Dependency: Too Young or too Old?  Do questions #1-3, 5, 6.

Pg 375.  Canada's population: past and future

Oral interviews on government.

Time to work on your projects.

Presentations next Tuesday/Wednesday.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Day 24: Dependency ratio and population pyramids

Completed the following Canadian election survey ( Click to view
Print out your answer results and bring with you to class tomorrow for your oral interviews.

Voted in the student election

Handout on Population Pyramids
Figure 11-18 on page 372.  Do questions #1,2,3,5.

Oral interviews and project time tomorrow.
Bring in your work and be ready to go.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Day 23: Developed vs. Developing nations

Using as a study tool.  Search existing quizzes for topics in this textbook.  Or chapters in Counterpoints.

Click to watch: Current events: Toronto Blue Jays win again.

 Chapter 11: Population Trends and Issues (pg. 35-364)

Do Questions #1,2,4,5 on page 364
  • Define demography, natural increase, emigration, immigration, net migration, and exponential growth
  • What types of information are collected in census?  Give examples of three uses of this information.
  • What are the main components of population change?  What is meant by the rule of 70?
  • Why is immigration more important to Canada's population growth than to some
Brainstorm:  What are characteristics of Developed vs. Developing nations? (list 3-5 characterstics/differences.

Handout: Life expectancy and demographic transition model (Figure 11-13)

Click for look at power point on Demographic Transition Model

Friday, 9 October 2015

Day 22: Government unit test

Government mind maps collected.

Government unit test.

If you have difficulty with your presentation tool please email me this weekend to let me know which one you will be using.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving Day weekend!

Field trip money and forms by October 16th.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Day 21: Presentation tools

Groups will be presenting with an assigned presentation tool to use.
  • Padlet
  • Glogster
  • Canva
  • Haiku Deck
Before leaving for the Thanksgiving weekend make sure that you communicate with your group members regarding responsibilities/meeting times, etc...

Consider using ONE login name and password so each person can access the presentation to do his/her work.
Government Unit test tomorrow.
Mind map due.

Have a look at some example questions for the government unit.
Click here to review the Socials 11 Provincial Exam

Day 20: Research for Global Issues Project

Projects will include images/charts or graphs/video clip.

Manage your group and how you divide up responsibilities.

Make sure to communicate with group members - how will you share information?  Google docs?

Project presentations due on Monday, October 19th.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Day 19: World mapping and global issues

Topics selected for the Global Issues conference project:
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Primary education and literacy
Child Labour
Climate Change
Child Soldiers

Cool Tools for Schools (presentation ideas)

World Map (Due on the day of our geography test).
Refer to the atlas for countries (use a legend) that:
  • have highest number of children
  • are most/least urban
  • have the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS
  • have the highest number of refugees leaving
  • have the highest percentage of people living on $1 a day

Monday, 5 October 2015

Day 18: Review and population growth

Government review activity.

Begin Unit 4 on Human Geography.

Click to watch this quick clip on population growth

Group projects.
Home work tonight is to brainstorm other ideas for our Global Issues project.

Day 17: Youth offenders act

Review of differences between criminal and civil law.
How does the court system work.

Look at Figure 11-14 (old text) regarding Legislation relating to young offenders.
Look at Figure 11-15.  Copy these points on Sentences a Youth Court Judge can order

4 sets of articles on youth offences in the news.

Do you think the YOA is too lenient?  Why or why not?  What should be done?  Use examples from the articles.

Mind Map due next Friday, October 9th.
Government/Human Rights/Law test on Friday, October 9th

Day 16: Human Rights. Criminal vs. Civil law

Handout: protecting human rights
Old Counterpoints text.
Handout: Civil vs. Criminal law

Handout: How should we deal with lawbreakers (read about Paul Bernardo/Karla Homolka and David Milgaard)

Watched a clip on Karla Homolka.
Watched a clip on Vince Li (Greyhound Bus killer released)

Overhead: Driver of truck that killed two found not criminally responsible

Handout: Improving the criminal justice system.
  • How do we improve the criminal justice system?
  • If we have a criminal justice system that is sometimes too lenient, sometimes too strict, and sometimes plain wrong, how do we improve it?  Is it possible to improve it?  Do we focus more on Retribution or Rehabilitation.