Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Day 52: Growing US influence in the 1920s

WW2 presentation rubrics handed out.

US growing influence in Canada: Branch plants.  Primary industry.  Secondary industry
Read pages 67-71
Influence of the following on society: improved mobility.  improved communications. Canadian inventions and inventors.  Arts and leisure.  Sports.

Pg 77-78.  A new challenge to Federalism: Regionalism

WW1 Quiz tomorrow

Day 51: WW2 project

Time to work on your presentations.

How will you creatively present your topic?

Presentations begin next Thursday with the Rape of Nanking.

Friday presentations will include: Hitler.  Canadian Airforce.  Battle of Britain

Monday, 23 November 2015

Day 50: Winnipeg General Strike

WWI pop quiz handed back.

WW1 Test on Thursday.

Review activity for WW1

Starting Chapter 3: Canada and the 1920s
CPH: Winnipeg General Strike
Handout: Post-war blues (pg 62-66)
  • Inflation
  • Rise of communism
  • Worker's demands and response
  • Winnipeg General strike
  • Union - collective bargaining.
  • Red Scare
  • Bloody Saturday

Friday, 20 November 2015

Day 49: Conscription crisis and wrapping up the war

WW1 Quiz

CPH: Conscription crisis

End of the war: Russian government toppled by Bolsheviks. 
100 Days Campaign
Central Powers Collapse
Canada's emerging autonomy
Participating in peace (Paris Peace Conference)
Treaty of Versailles
War Built Clause

Read and answer: What were some problems with the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations?

Handout: WW1 review sheet

Due on Monday: Annotated bibliography and Student study guide

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Day 48: Canada on the home front. Vimy Ridge and Conscription

Current events: latest in the Paris bombings Click to Watch

Group work: Discuss the changes to Canada on the home front (Political/Economic/Social)

Click to print notes: Canada - a domestic look

Click to print notes: Canada - how it all went down

Canada's involvement in the air and the sea (Atlantic) pg. 42 & 44

CPH: A City of Sorrow (looking at the Halifax explosion)

CPH: Vimy Ridge (a turning point in the development of Canadian Identity)

Conscription Crisis: Pg 49-51.  Complete questions from last day's handout

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Day 47: Bridge of Spies

Day 46: All Quiet on the Western Front

Current events related to the Paris bombings: CLICK TO WATCH CTV COVERAGE

Schlieffen Plan.
War of attrition
No man's land
Life in the trenches
New technology and the war (page 36, 40/41)

Handout: excerpts from All Quiet on the Western Front.
DVD: All Quiet on the Western Front. 
Focusing on battle scenes/no man's land/weaponry/training techniques during WW1.

Field trip tomorrow at 11:25am.

Day 45: WW2 project

Find and use at least 2 online sources and 1 print source.

Annotated bibliography due next Monday, November 23rd

Group handout (1 page) due next Monday, November 23rd.

Read your criteria carefully.

Projects begin on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4th.
  1. Rape of Nanking
  2. Hitler
  3. Canadian Airforce
  4. Battle of Britain

Day 44: Battles of WWI

Collect field trip $.
Review of notes on Ypres, Somme, Passchendaele, Vimy Ridge

CPH: Our investment in Blood (women's roles in WW1)
CPH: Go out and meet death bravely (the reality of trench warfare)

World War II group project: selecting groups.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Day 43: Quiz and Canada's involvement in the war

Maps due.
Geography test

Review of causes and trigger of WW1.

CPH: episode beginning.
Canadians signing up for the war.  Reaction of French-Canadians.  Discrimination in signing up for the war.  Fight for prohibition and suffrage.  Propaganda elicits anger against enemy aliens.

Handout - read page 32-35
  • Mobilizing forces
  • National Identity emerges
  • Canada's minister of militia
  • War Measures Act
  • War on Land

Day 42: Causes of World War 1

Review of notes from yesterday.

4 causes of WW1 and the trigger to start WW1.

Read pages 26-30 and include the Role of the Balkans for causes of WW1.

John Green's take on the causes of World War 1: Click to watch CRASH COURSE

Monday, 9 November 2015

Day 41: Provincial exam write

In class essay.

Causes of World War I notes (please print): CLICK TO VIEW

Trench Warfare: battles of World War I (please print): CLICK TO VIEW

Day 40: History unit begins

Current events: Trudeau sworn in as PM.  Selects his cabinet members.  15 men and 15 women "because its 2015!"

Handout: Chapter 1.  A different Canada.
Still a British Nation: The Alaska Boundary Dispute and The Boer War.
French-English relations. 
Pg 10/11 - Chinese Head Tax and the Komagata Maru (Should today's government be responsible for injustices of the past?

Simulation on Alliances.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Day 38 & 39: Human Geography wrapup

Movie analysis: Blood Diamond

Relating concepts from Geography to this movie.

Topics to study: B. D.  J. 

I may re-word the question slightly.  However, the main ideas should be relatively similar.
Please view the examples of the ones done in class and build on these or make your own.  CLICK TO VIEW

Day 37: Environmental issues

Global issues essay discussion.

China ends its One Child Policy Click to watch
The implications of the One Child Policy on China.  With regards to dependency ratio, China will have difficulty supporting its aging population.

Blood diamond worksheet for tomorrow.

Chapter 13 review worksheet.

Monday, November 9th - in class essay

Friday, November 13th - Geo quiz (Ch. 12 - pg 396 and on, Chapter 13, Mapping)
Maps due on that day.

Day 36: Provincial exam essay prep

How to write a thesis.

Structure for the provincial exam:
  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph #1
  • Body paragraph #2
  • Body paragraph #3
  • Conclusion
Group work in brainstorming and structuring the essay.
Refer to the topics sheet (purple handout): B, D, G, I, J, K