Friday, 26 February 2016

Day 18: Government review. Reforming the criminal justice system

Jeopardy review of Government/Human Rights/Law

Picked topics for upcoming Global Issues Project.

Current events: Freeing Vince Li?  Should he be allowed out? Click to read article

Article: Ways to improve the criminal justice system (inclass read and discussion)

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Day 17: Criminal vs. Civil law. Global issues project intro

Overhead: criminal law vs. civil law
Click to watch a summary of the OJ Simpson trial
Crown (government - prosecution) vs. Defence (Criminal law)
Goldman family (plaintiff) vs. OJ Simpson (defendant - Civil law)
How juries are selected.
Examples of Indictable vs. Summary offences.

Article: Retribution (Punishment) vs. Rehabilitation
A look at Karla Homolka and David Milgaard.
Clip of argument for rehabilitation vs. retribution (Milwaukee)
Clip of argument for rehabilitation vs. retribution (Sweden)

OJ Simpson - doctor (Dr. Bennet Omalu) who discovered CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) is willing to bet his license OJ suffers from this.  Could this be the cause of his actions?
Current move regarding CTE (Concussion.  Starring Will Smith)

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Day 16: Human rights and intro to law

Go over answers to the human rights worksheet from yesterday.

Groups.  Look at pages 348/49.
Review question #5. 
Current event: Article on parents charged for assault for spanking
Go over question #8.  Violation or not a violation of human rights?

Handout: go over law worksheet.
Criminal vs. Civil law.
Rule of law.
Basic elements of criminal law.
Common law
Statutory law.
Provincial court system.
Indictable vs. summary offences.

Government/Human Rights/Law test next Wednesday, March 2

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Day 15: Human rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Current events: Click to watch significance of Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Connection to human rights and race relations in the US
Current events: Click to watch the outrage over the publishing of Robert Pickton's (serial killer) book
Do you think there should be a law banning convicted criminals the opportunity to profit from their crimes?

Pg 324-327.  The global movement for human rights.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  International courts and tribunals.
Read pg. 325 and 327 - discuss: do you think that universal standards for human rights are possible in a world of diverse cultural and religious beliefs?

Pg 328-334. 
Rule of law.  Bill of Rights (1960).  Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Notwithstanding clause.  .
Do Q#1 and 3 on page 331.
Read page 331-334.  Identify three rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and give examples of what rights are guaranteed.

Handout: Advocating for your rights (335-337)
Federal and provincial human rights legislation
BC human rights code
Supreme Court and the Charter (amending formula)

Test.  Mind map.  Human Rights abuses worksheet on Monday, February 29th

Monday, 22 February 2016

Day 14: Human Rights abuses

Human Rights abuse research on the iPads.
Topics include:
Worksheets due next Monday, February 29th along with the Chapter 9 mindmap.

Government/Human Rights/Law test on Monday, February 29th

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Day 13: Private Members Bill presentations

Private members bill presentations.

Well done class!  Some extremely creative bills today.

Recap of the San Bernardino shootings from December 2015.
Click to watch news footage.
US federal judge orders Apple inc. to provide password to shooter's iPhone in the name of national security.
Click to view news article

Do you agree with the court's ruling?
If this happened in Canada do you think that the company should provide a user's passcode?
Does this infringe upon your basic human rights?
Fun discussion and mini-debate

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Day 12: Senate reform. Political cartoons. Human Rights

How to analyze political cartoons.
Handout on Senate reform: Abolish.  Reform.  Keep the same.  Triple E.
Rick Mercer's rant on the state of the senate
Click to watch Global News' review of the senate scandal

Mind Map.  Page 320.  #1.  Due on February 29th.

Government/Human Rights/Law test on February 29th.

Human Rights.
Click to watch a clip on "What are human rights?"

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Day 11: Electoral process. Voter apathy.

Answers to remaining crossword clues from yesterday

handout: Voting procedures
Pg 313 - 315.
  • Electoral districts - ridings/constituencies
  • Chief electoral officer
  • 18 years + Canadian citizen to be able to vote
  • Party mechanics
  • Candidates: nomination
  • Polling
  • Election campaigns
  • Figure 9-25: Dissolution, enumeration, nomination, campaigning, voting or balloting, tabulating
Click to watch the electoral process by Student Vote
Click to watch clip on arguments for and against mandatory voting
Click to watch opinions on mandatory voting (New Zealand)

Page 316 to 319.
Polling stations
Voter apathy.
FPTP system vs. Single Transferable Vote (STV)
Read case study on Compulsory Voting in Australia.

Journal #1: Should voting be mandatory in Canada?  Why or why not?
                 : What could be done to increase voter turnout for youth?

Monday, 15 February 2016

Day 10: Branches of government. Passing legislation

Handed back Canada identity assignment and quiz.

Current events: ceasefire in Syria? Click to watch

Page 304 to 309.
  • A guide to government
  • What government does
  • Taxes and spending
  • Civil service.  Bureaucracy
  • Executive branch.  Cabinet solidarity.  Party discipline
  • Prime Ministers office
  • Orders-in-council
Example of what happens in the House of Commons Click to watch
Branches of government.
Finish crossword.

Passing legislation (Fig 9-20)

Handout: Private members bill assignment (presentations on Thursday)

Day 9: Political party

Library session.

Canada - I side with.

Who do you identify with?

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Day 8: Branches of government

Political ideologies quiz
Patronage (301).  BC politics.
Do Part B of the political party assignment
Who would you vote for and why?
Refer to: a) worlds smallest political quiz, b) L to R continuum, c) analysis of political websites from yesterday.

Read: Page 301 - NGO and patronage.

Handout: Branches of government (do the front side only).  Pg 304-306.
Executive.  Judicial.  Legislative.

Day 7: Political platform assignment

Follow the directions on the project outline for Part A.

Evaluate the federal party websites.

Complete this part for Friday.

Parts B and C will be done inclass.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Day 6: Parliament

Group activity: Which country is least democratic?

Current events: North Korea's latest missile test Click to watch

Finished the rest of Our Parliament DVD
  • Parliament (Queen of England, Senate, House of Commons)
  • MP
  • Federal parties
  • Cabinet minister
  • Senate
  • Governor general
Federal/Shared/Provincial responsibilities of government

Political ideologies quiz on Thursday

Friday, 5 February 2016

Day 5: Influencing government and government structure

Kahoot: review of political ideologies

Click to watch clip on how to influence government

Read pages 290-296

  • Democracy
  • Issues important to Canadians
  • Influencing government: civil servants.  pressure groups (Figure 9-3)
  • Lobbyists and the public interest
  • Courts
  • Media
  • Civil disobedience (Clayoquot Sound)

DVD: Our parliament

Quiz on political ideologies next Wednesday

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Day 4: In-class essay

In-class essay: What does it mean to be Canadian.

Please write in pen.  Double spaced.  Staple your rubric to the back.

Home work: Do political thought questions from back of handout yesterday (#1,3,4,5,8,13,14,15)

Day 3: Political ideologies and points of view

Current events: Ground hog day yesterday.  What does it mean? CLICK to watch clip

Rubric handout for inclass write tomorrow: What does it mean to be Canadian?

Capitalism and Socialism. 
Click to watch John Green's presentation on Capitalism and Socialism

Handout on political spectrum (left to right)
Read 297 -299.  See Figure 9-11

Handout: Political beliefs (L or R) and Political thoughts (Socialism/Liberalism/Conservatism) - do #10, 11, 12

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Day 2: Political spectrum

Current events: Iowa caucus Click to watch - starting at 8:51

Looking at the PLOs for SS 11

Brainstorming Canadian symbols and stereotypes.
A fun look at Canadian Bacon.
French/English language laws from Canadian Bacon

Handout textbooks
Handout: World's Smallest political quiz

Powerpoint: Classifying ideologies

Study tool: (flashcards and test)

Inclass write on Thursday - What do you think it means to be Canadian?

Monday, 1 February 2016

Day 1: Introduction

Current events: Zika Virus
How is this topic connected to social studies?
Click to read article


Profile due tomorrow.

Shipwreck assignment: Group work
(excellent group work today!)

For tomorrow please brainstorm/think about "what it means to be Canadian"