Finished Quebec Notes:
- Great Darkness Premier Maurice Duplessis led the Union Nationale party
- "Time for a change" Jean Lesage became premier of Quebec after Duplessis. Period known as the Quiet Revolution. Rise of Separatism
- Bi and Bi Commission
- Official Languages Act. French Canadians still wanted special status in the constitution as a distinct society
- October 1970 - FLQ Crisis. War Measures Act
- Constitution act 1982.
- Kitchen Compromise in 1981.
- Brian Mulroney's plans: Meech Lake Accord and Charlottetown Accord
- Results of the 1995 referendum (almost a YES)
"Opening vignette" (discusses the moon landing and Quebec Sovereignty)
"Under a new flag" (developing a new Canadian flag
In Class provincial exam essay write on Thursday
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