Friday 10 June 2016

Day 76: Provincial Essay Review

Aim for 4-5 paragraphs.  Address both sides of the topic (if asked).  Provide examples that cover the full range of the time period.

Introductory paragraph: address the question fully, and include a thesis statement
Body paragraph #1: Clear topic sentence.  Build on your points
Body paragraph #2:
Body paragraph #3:


  1. Explain how Canadians at home contributed to the Allied victories during World War One and World War Two
  2. To what extent between 1939 and 1970 did Canada evolve from being an insignificant nation to a middle power
  3. Describe Canada's role in the Cold War from 1945 to 1989
  4. Describe Canada's participation in the United Nations  from 1945 to 2000
  5. To what extent has intolerance been an issue in Canada throughout the 20th Century
  6. How have French-English relations shaped the Canadian identity since 1960?
  7. To what extent have Aboriginal peoples achieved their goals during the last half century?


\Quebec Nationalism quiz on Monday, June 13th.

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